Chapter 3- Taking Apart Time

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**It's been awhile. Sorry for waiting this long to finally update the story.

And I left you on a cliffhanger...

I would have updated earlier, but summer life is so so busy. I had camp, work, a ton of summer work, and vacation, etc.

I love this book so much. I am so happy people like to read it.

Keep the love going, it inspires me to write, and I honestly love when I see a new reader, or see new comments, and people voting, so thanks everyone:)

(sorry this chapter is so short, I'm in the middle of writing notes for AP World, and writing this story)**


I was breathing heavily when I saw Jax. It hasn't even been ten minutes and somebody was already killed... by Jax?

"Jax, you understand you do not have to be a murderer right?" Zach elbowed me. I looked over at him and the girls, and I understood that we outnumber Jax, but he's the bigger guy in the situation.

As Jax held the knife, he spun it around in his hand. "Oh, I didn't realize I was a murderer. What an insult." He put his hand to his heart, as if he was deeply hurt by what I said.

I pull out the gun I had in my belt. "Zach." He pulls his own out as well.

"It's game over for you two." Jax points his own gun at me, then glances at Carly. He chuckles, then points the same gun from me to Carly.

"Jax.." I say quietly. "You do not have to do this to yourself or others." I lifted my left hand up, and stepped slowly towards Jax.

He pointed the gun at me. "Do not take another step, or I will shoot you in the face. Game over."

I looked at Carly, then at Zach, and back at Jax.

"Fine. Fine." I place the tip of my gun to the ground, and gradually set it down. "Is this what you wanted, Jax?"

"Yes." He responds, and looks at his own gun, giving me time to surprise him.

I, still squatting, pick my gun up from the floor, taking less than a second. Once Jax realizes what's happening, I shoot his leg, creating a deafening white noise of nothingness.

Jax falls to the ground, and once Zach and the others also realize what's happened, Zach shoots him in the chest. His own gun shot imitates the white noise, barely audible because of the other shot, but yet still painful to my ears.


The understanding of the situation creates a revolt within those left in Imitation X. A sudden silence of war, and a strong respect emerges from the gamers for Zach and I.

Loren and Carly, shook and most likely scarred as I am stick together still with us. But the realization that all of us will die, or one of us will live is extraordinarily implausible.

For three whole hours we venture in the long infinite void the makers have made for us. With food and water at every two hours we walked, saving it is our best option.


I walk along the black walls, looking at the orange lights bouncing off of them, but with no source to the light. Magic or simply an illusion?

Or maybe-

"Help!" Someone's yell distracts my thinking, and I instinctively look at where the group is. We cannot separate.

"Someone help me!" I look in the direction of the yelling, and I see a two way tunnel, stationed to the side of us. Two possible ways any of this can turn out.

Zach turns to me, and his eyes are bloodshot. His normally bright green eyes are dilated with his pupil; enlarged from the dark room.

"Left or right?" I ask him, knowing every second someone's life is in danger.

Zach looks at both. "How about-"

He's cut off by a deafening scream. Now that we're right next to the entrances of the tunnels, we can clearly hear that it is coming from the right door.

I start jogging, not waiting for Zach. My feet hitting the cement floors hurt my ankles but in a situation such as this, you either help the person or let them die. And I sure as hell won't be the one to let someone die.

I felt a hot liquid on my temple, and a lot of pain. Excruciating pain. I slowed down on my jog, and touched to where I felt this.

In the dark I couldn't see anything on my fingers, but as I touched my temple, the pain grew and released more liquid.


And there's lots of it. Rolling down my face, and dripping on the floor as I jog.

I slow down to talk to Zach. And he does the same.

"Zach, who the hell did this to my face?" I say, and his face is as shocked as mine, from what I can see in this hellish darkness.

But what I see freaks me even more out.

He has blood coming from the same place as me.

This time it's not just the girl screaming, but it's me and Zach.

Screaming to rid us of this madness.

Screaming to rid us of this memory of hell.

We need to get out. And soon.



(sorry for short chapter,

please vote and comment so I know you guys are liking this so far!

~Anna :)***

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