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The bell rang and it was time for me to have lunch.

Ahhh I forgot today I don't have lunch with any of my friends. This was due to the fact that they all have a different lunch except for my best friend, who was off sick today, I hope she feels better tomorrow. It was sunny so I decided to sit on a bench outside.

I don't really have that much for lunch, since I'm a picky eater, which I hate being. I just have a baguette with some ham and butter. Nothing else.

It was peaceful.

Then the bench tilted I had hopes of the person sitting there was Nicola, my best friend by the way she and I have been best friends forever and she was also Filipino. I shouted,

"Nic--" I cut myself off realising that it was not Nicola, but Mr Marcello Savio.

"Ahh, not quite. Marcello is the name." He smiled then said "Battery, you're gonna file battery against me?"

"Ahh, yes. Yes I am." I said this confidently. You know with a slight smile.

"What? For unwanted touching?" He said looking confused.

"YES." I was really confused why he was confused I mean he was the one who touched my feet.

"But your evidence isn't enough to make it into court." He said mockingly.

I just sighed then I carried on eating then being interupted.

Wait. CCTV does count as evidence doesn't it?

The thought soon left as he spoke again.

"I mean my lap is softer than the chair you know." He said it so quietly but I heard it.

Shocked at what he said the food didn't go straight down my thoat it was stuck.

I started to choke.
I started to cough.
And he just looked at me.

I stood up, hitting my stomach. However soon after he got the gist that I was choking and helped me perform Heimlich Maneuver. He quickly put his arms around me and eventually the bite that I had out of the baguette came out.

I walked over to the bench and packed my things.

"Thanks." Was the last thing I said before I left to go to the toilet to wash my mouth.

I rummaged through my things and saw a pink post-it-note saying "Are you actually choking?" I let out a small laugh. Before putting it back into my bag and washing my face.


Eventually school was over and I saw my brother again and yes he was with girls but this time he actually had some boys around him too.

I walked over and at the same time I spoke "Joseph we need to go." Whilst hearing "Amando ,Luciano we need to go." I looked over my shoulder "Marcello?" It slipped out of my mouth and my brother blurted put "Are you sure he's not your boyfriend?"

Stressed, I said "Yes! Now let's go." I heard the little boys behind us saying "Hey! Joseph we live near you!" The little boys said it in sync. They must be twins.

I turned around and so did Joseph and he said "Really where?" The boys eagarly replied "Just a few streets away" Joseph looked at me, giving me a face that I already knew. "Can we go over to their house today?"

I widened my eyes and put my face closer and said "Joseph, you got to study remember what mummy and daddy said?" He looked at me and a tear went down his face.

I gave up. I called my dad and asked him "Dad can Joseph go to his friend's house today?"
"Sure as long as you are there with him." He snapped.

"Ahh okay. Bye. We'll be home soon." Those were the last words before I saw Joseph hugging me.

"Alright ,he said it's fine. But I have to go aswell he said."

"Okay" he eagarly replied.

Before I knew it we were at Amando, Luciano and Marcello's house. It seemed pretty big for a house. As soon as I went in Marcello called out "Mama! We're home." His mum came out saying "Marcello. Who is this?"

I held my hand out saying "Jennylyn De La Cruz, nice to meet you Mrs Savio." She held her hand out saying "A pleasure to meet you Jennylyn. Just call me Auntie Abriana."she replied in an italian accent which sounded amazing!

"Ahh okay, A-untie Abriana." I only call the people who are close to my family auntie and/or tita (which is auntie in Tagalog/Filipino). This was a bit weird. "Ah! Sit down. Might as well stay for dinner." I looked at the time it was only 4pm.

"Ah no, you don't have to." I said suddenly.

"No I must after all you are the first girl I have met that my son has brought home." She paused.
I sat there confused. Obviously. You just came here like a few days ago.

"Even at our old house back in Italy." She continued.

"Okay. I will just call my parents." I said before I took my phone out and had a nasty discussion with my dad saying that we should be at home by 8pm.


Time went by and dinner was served. Pasta. Not really surprising. We said grace then I took a spoon full for Joseph. Then I heard footsteps coming down. Luke Savio. How do I know his name? He transfered to our school a few years ago. And my my he was the trouble maker. He got detentions, brusies and got into fights.

He exclaimed "Ahh we're having dinner and no one called for me?" Then he looked at me. "Ahh Jennylyn Maricel Beatrice De La Cruz, what are you doing here?"

Strangely I replied "How do you know my full name?"

"A few years ago I moved into the school you were the one who showed me around and I told you my full name and you told me yours, did you forget already?"

I quickly changed the subject "Oh Joseph was here to play with Amando and Luciano."

"Okay " he replied before sitting at the table.

I started to eat then in a few minutes I finished. I looked at the time. Great. My eyes widened and I called for Joseph. "Joseph! We have to go we're late!"

Auntie Abriana held my forearm saying "Oh you don't have to walk one of my boys can drop you off."
I paused. "No they don't have to thank you for the kind offer." Joseph and I left  holding hands which he hated and before I knew it a car had appeared by our side. I didn't look, but I heard a voice.

"Hey just take the offer and get in the car."


Hope you guys enjoyed. Ha. Seemed boring to me but I'll improve in the coming chapters. Don't be a silent reader! At least that's what authors say around wattpad. Right?

An Asian Falling For An Italian. [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now