Moving In!

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Elena's POV
"GARROTH DON'T!" I shout but it was a minute to late.
My oblivious twin put a heavy box on a glass table and it shattered.
"Oops..." he says, looking at it.
Emma laughed along with Travis and Zane.
"It's fine..." I say, grabbing the broom.
I am finally moving into a new house on the same street as my friends! Emma also recently moved in with Vylad, since she isn't that respon-SINCE SHE'S ONLY 18! Heh, heh. She thought it would be good to go with him so he's not lonely.
Travis lives with Garroth, Dante, and Laurance, Katelyn and Kawaii~chan live together and Zane lives..well, alone. I'm not going to talk about the other inhabitants of this street since I'm still mad at my bestie FOR NOT WARNING ME ABOUT HER-ahem.
"I'm beginning to think Garroth is more clumsy then Emma!" Travis laughs.
"Hey!" Emma and Garroth say in unison.
"No he's not.... he's just stupid," Zane says.
"Thank you...wait..HEY!!" Garroth shouts.
Once I was done cleaning the glass, I walk outside to get more boxes.
"Sooo.. when are you telling Laurance you're moving in?" Emma cooed from behind me, making me jump.
"I told you, I'm waiting till the right time. I don't want to panic him," I say, handing her one of the boxes.
"Why would he panic?" she asks
"Because he is always busy with work and stuff not to mention his new brother and his-" she cut me off.
"It seems to me like your the one panicking!" she laughs and puts a box in the kitchen.
"I'm not panicking, I just-NOOO Frocsh don't claw that!" I say, taking my cat away from the couch (Elena chose the name).
"Calm down Elena! Me, Garroth, Vylad, and Zane can help you," Emma says.
"Do I have too!?!" Zane complains
"Yes," Emma smiles and Zane rolls his eyes.
"I'm sorry, I'm just a little scared something will go wrong. This is my first time being around family and friends in a long time," I sigh.
"Don't be you're not alone trust me in this place it's hard to be alone!" Emma laughs.
I just sigh.
"AHAH HEYYY BRO!!!!" Garroth's voice rang from outside.
"Hey, I have been looking for you! Why are you over here. Is someone moving in?" another voice says and my heart drop.
"It's Laurance!" I squeak, hiding behind a wall.
"I'll go talk to him!" Emma laughs
I peek threw the corner to see what's happening
"Hi Laurance!" she says
I really want to hug him right now I haven't seen him since like, high school.
"Heh, watcha doin here?" she says, leaning against the door frame so he can't see me.
"Uh I was looking for Garroth, who moved in?" Laurance asks.
Oh no....Emma is a really bad lier. I hope Garroth jumps in for this.
"N-no one just uhhh Clyde?..wait that doesn't make sense!" she says awkwardly mumbling the last part.
"Umm... you're a really bad lier," Laurance says, looking in the house.
Emma blocked his few again.
"Yep I am. You should go home now. I hear Travis needs your help in his room!" she says, pushing him.
Her face turns full of regret when she realized Travis is behind Laurance.
He looks at her.
"Ok? See you lat-" Laurance was about to turn but Emma cut him off by stopping him.
"Wait no umm..." I facepalm. Why did I leave this to her!!
"Are you ok?" Laurance asks
"Maybe she's getting a cold. I will take her home," Vylad says.
"Uh... yeah and you can come with me!" Garroth says.
I let out a sigh of relief, saved by the bros.
"Ok bye!" Laurance says, and they go home. Their house is across the street and 3 houses down to the left.
"We need to work on your cover ups..." Zane sighs
"I know I normally know what to say but then I look at them and my mind goes blank," Emma chuckles.
"It was cute," Travis smirked.
Zane glared at him and growls a bit.
"I-i mean uh you will get better one day!" Travis stutters.
"Is he in the house now?" I whisper
"Yes," Vylad answers.
"Thank Irene..." I sigh.
"You can't dodge him forever!" Emma says
"And you can't rely on Emma...ever," Zane says
"I know, I will tell him tomorrow," I say
"We are going back home. Text Emma or Vylad if you need help and leave me alone," Zane says
I wave and they walk away.
"I'm going to go too!" Travis says and walks back to his house.
I am alone now.... other than Frocsh.
He gives me a look.
"Don't look at me like that cat you don't know what it's like having responsibilities!" I say.
She walks away.
Oh my Irene, I'm talking to a cat...I HAVE TURNED INTO EMMA!!
I run up to my box filled room and sit on my bed, grabbing my phone.
I pulled up Laurance's contact and just starred at the screen. After a little I vibrated making me jump.
(L-Laurance e-Elena)
L- are you ok you haven't texted me for a while I'm getting worried
E- yeah I'm fine
L-I'm glad
E-heh yeah uh I have to go
L-why so soon

I just didn't answer after that. I don't know what to talk about without telling him something by accident.
"Still avoiding him?" A voice says.
I look at my window to see Aaron.
"I refuse to talk to you after what you did. Anyway, why are you in my window?" I ask
"Because I thought you looked lonely. Besides, that's how people roll here," he smiles
"That's creepy... don't you have a girlfriend/fiancé/wife/whatever the heck your relationship status is? There's something called a door," I say, putting my phone down.
"Sorry!" he chuckles.
"I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone, especially you. I'm thinking," I say, looking at my door.
"Ok I'll watch," he says
"Good bye Aaron!" I say annoyed and push him out the window and closing it.
"And down you go..." I say to myself.
It's getting dark. TIME FOR BED! I plop back down on my bed and drift to sleep.

Emma's POV

"Dang it Zane why you do dis" I whine.
"You look great" he laughs
We are at hot topic and he is having  me try on a bunch of anime dresses, and yes Zane of all people is doing this.
"I know I do I am just mad that you got me hooked on this place and- OH MY IRENE IS THAT SAILOR MOON" I say getting distracted by a sailor moon shirt
Zane laughs.

~time skip~

After a while we bought stuff and walked back into the mall.
"So is that all the stores you want to go to"I ask him.
"Yeah" he says
I stop walking as I see Aaron coming towards us.
"Ugh him" Zane complains
"Be nice" I laugh
"Nice to see you too Zane" Aaron jokes.
"Are you ok" I ask as I notice him rubbing the back of his head.
"Yeah your sister pushed me out of her window" he chuckles
"HA I have never loved her more" Zane laughs
"Ok Zane how about you go bring your car closer to the door I'll be there in a minute" I say
"Whatever" he says walking away.
"Wow he's so friendly" Aaron jokes
"Yep" I say turning back to him.
"So why were you in Elenas window" I laugh
"I was going to talk to her but you know how that turned out" he says
"Let's hope Laurance doesn't find out" I tease
"Oh crap" he says
"I have to go have fun with your senpai" I joke and walk away.
"HEY!" He says

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