Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.

"Have a nice day, Miss."

I'm handed two bags that contain eggs, bread and various fruits, and after thanking the employee, I exit the mini market. After I decided it was time to get up and moving for the day, I wanted breakfast. But unfortunately, when I was looking through the pantry, I noted it was basically empty. So I took the liberty of waiting in the freezing cold for the bus just to get a few items that would get me through lunch, then Harry should be home.

As I wait on the bench at the bus stop just a few feet from the store, I check my phone for any missed calls or messages. There are no calls but there is a message from Lilly that I read.

From: Lilly

Remember that I need the solo song soon!!

I sigh from the reminder that Lilly has been giving me for weeks on in now. She thinks I'm not serious about doing a solo performance but the truth is that I can't find the perfect song to dance to. I love music, but I can't choose just a random song because that would be pointless. But I do know that I have to find one soon because the recital is in a month or so; that's barely enough time to make a routine.

The bus pulls up to the sidewalk and it opens invitingly. I stand, shivering from the wind that blows through the lively street and step up onto the warm bus. I give the waiting driver Harry's address and the correct amount of money before sitting two rows back with the bags on the seat next to me. There are five people other than me sitting in no particular seat around me. Two were an old couple; the woman has her head on the man's shoulder whilst he holds her hand. Their eyes were closed, content with the ride, and being with each other. I smile as I glance at them occasionally. They're obviously in love and it seems like they have been forever. I've always envied people with relationships like they have, even as a little girl. I think at some point in a girl's life, we dream of meeting the perfect guy and living happily ever after. Some do get their wishes granted and marry off, but some aren't as lucky.

I know sure and well that I've never met a prince charming but there have been guys that I've seen that seem pretty close to it. On the outside, anyways. When I look at Harry I don't know what I think. I'd be blind if I say I don't find him attractive, and I'd be lying if I say he wasn't one of the most striking I've ever seen, because he is. Even Harry's tattoos intrigue me to no end. He's never told me what they mean but I don't expect him to unless he wants to.

The driver makes his first stop and a girl about my age stands to exit the bus at a café which lies in the mix of a busy street and tall buildings. She's on the sidewalk when we take off again, and I continue to stare out of the window, looking at the parked cars and people walking. The air I exhale from my nose fogs the glass before clearing again.  

The bus slows again, coming to a red light, and I sigh carelessly. I check the time that reads ten after eleven, and then turn my attention back outside. My eyes bulged at the image in front of me. I can't be sure of what I saw because the bus was moving once again, but I was pretty sure of what I saw.

It was Harry's car. And it sat in front of a prestigious looking building.

I shifted in my seat, trying to make the car stay within my eyesight but eventually it was gone. I shoot up from my spot, gripping my bags, and stumble from walking down the aisle while the bus was in motion. I hold on to the rail that separates the seats from the three stairs for support.   

"You can't be up, Miss. Please sit down," the driver said sternly, only taking fleeting glances at me through his mirror.

"No, I need to get off now," I defy.

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