Chapter 14 - Within Legend Lies Truth

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Dedicated to FallenMidnightAngel for the adorable picture of Athira ^_^ 


Chapter 14 - Within Legend Lies Truth


Despite what instinct was demanding she do, Athira went back to Indigo base and to her surprise, stayed.

She locked herself away in the room she’d been given when they returned, trying to get her mind in a place where she thought she could handle people for a length of time. She wasn’t quite ready to face Indigo, more specifically Shift, and she knew that they’d want a better explanation than what she’d already given them... but Reader’s words kept replaying in her mind.

Child of Sin.

 The doubt raced through her again, destroying whatever sense of confidence she’d built up since the last time it circled her thoughts like a shark, threatening to consume her alive.

She buried her face in her hands. Talon?

His reply was quick. What’s up?

How do I do this?

Well, usually one initiates social contact by leaving their room.

“Such a helpful bird,” muttered Athira.

She sat on the end of the bed in silence, mulling over her thoughts until a knock came at the door.

It raised her head and she stared at it, unsure what to do. On one hand, she wanted to answer it, but on the other, she wanted to sink into the bed, through the floor and run for her perch atop the city.

There was silence after the knocking. Just as Athira thought they’d left, it came again, and this time accompanied by a voice.

“Thira?” Zoe’s voice floated through the door. “I was just wondering if you wanted to come out yet. I know you need your alone time but, I mean if you want to, Raph wants your input on what Reader was talking about yesterday.”

Athira slid the door open with her colour, finding a startled Zoe on the other side of the frame.

For the first time she’d seen her since reuniting with her friend, she wasn’t in her suit. Instead, Zoe wore jeans and an amber coloured shirt with a large sunflower in her hair, although she still had the Elite’s armband circling her bicep.

Athira must have stared for longer than she realised because Zoe reached up and touched the flower and gave her a small smile.

“I have a garden of them on Indigo’s roof,” she said quietly. “They like my light, and when I talk to them they seem to grow a little better.”

“It suits you,” said Athira. She stood up. “You said Raph wanted information about Reader’s activities?”

Zoe chewed her lip and shrugged. “I wouldn’t put it so crudely, but if you’re willing, he’d like your assistance since you seem to have a much better grasp on the situation than we do.”

Take it while it’s being offered, I guess. “Lead the way.”

Zoe visibly brightened as Athira made her way to the door. She took Athira’s hand and practically pulled her down the corridors. They came to a section where the hallway veered off into a series of sharp corners. After nimbly stepping around three of them, Zoe stopped in front of a wall and pressed a glowing hand against it.

A moment later, the wall faded out of existence and Zoe stepped through into the well-lit stairwell below.

“Disappearing walls, what next?”

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