1 - "You naughty, naughty girl."

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Not even the music blasting in my room can suffocate the harsh words, which can be heard outside my window.

"Fuck you, mom! And fuck this fucking house!" A loud bang of the door is followed.

I stop the music and get up from the chair behind my desk. I look out of my bedroom window and see a boy around my age in the room right opposite mine. I raise my eyebrows in realization; we got new neighbors.

How come I didn't know about this? Hell, I blame my loud music, otherwise I would hear them. I blame most of my chores not being done on music, since it's booming from my room 90% of the time.

What can I say? I love my bands. And my many t-shirts can prove it.

The house next to ours has been empty for about 5 or 6 years. It looked like no one was interested in moving here after all this time of it being empty. It would be a real shame if no one moved there, really. It's a lovely house if you ask me. But after all this time, the house finally got its new owners. Let's just hope they are nice. But judging by those harsh words I just heard coming from the boy, it seems that someone isn't very happy with being here.

As he brings his hands through his brown colored hair, ruffling it all up, he grunts in annoyance and looks up through the window. And as he does that, it means he looks through my window as well. And that also means looking at me looking at him being pissed.

Look away, you idiot! I scream internally to myself. But more and more as I keep yelling to myself to break eye contact, the more I can't take my eyes off his gorgeous self. I mean, come on! He looks like a flaming God in there. With his eyes boring into mine ... I think I might just melt. Or did I already?

"What are you staring at?" He finally yells through the window, the harsh words directed at me.

And those are the words that make me look away. I walk out of my room with my head hung low and go downstairs to the kitchen, where my Nan probably is. Why wouldn't she be there? She is always cooking, like every grandma is. As soon as you mention you're a little hungry, they begin to prepare a 5 star meal for you – typical grandmas.

When I enter, I was about to ask her who are our new neighbors, but I quickly close my mouth as I catch a sigh of Nan looking through the kitchen window with my little brother next to her. Are they spying on the new neighbors?

"Well, isn't that a nice painting the woman is carrying?" My Nan says. I cross my arms in front of my chest and clear my throat, fairly loud, so they can hear me clearly. They both slightly jump, startled that I am here. "Ah, yes, Toby ... as I was saying ... there is that cloud that is in the shape of a donkey." I raise my eyebrows at my Nan, who is trying to cover up her spying, poorly may I add.

"What are you talking about, Nan?" My little brother asks confused. "We were just spying on these people, so why are you talking about clouds?" My Nan sighs, busted from spying on the new neighbors.

That's my Nan Alice, everyone. She is the most caring woman you can ever encounter, but she has a bad habit of gossiping too much sometimes.

"Nan, Toby ... don't you two have something better to do than spy on people?"

"We weren't spying, Nicky." I raise my eyebrows to her as in saying don't try to fool me. "Okay, fine. We were spying, but only a little bit." She sits down behind the dining table and starts to sip on her coffee.

"If you are too interested in them, then go and introduce yourself. It would be nicer than to see you peaking from around the curtain." I go and grab a glass of water for myself while Toby exits the kitchen, probably to go play video games or something similar.

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