Chapter 7

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Hello, readers. Once again, I'd just like to state that I don't own this story, or Boku no Hero Academia, but I can't even put in words how glad I am to have people enjoy reading this. On a side note, I've found that Wattpad and Archive of Our Own are incredibly different. Wattpad writers tend to simply stick an OC in the story and contort the entire thing to rotate solely around that character, while AO3 writers tend to alter the original story line, and create incredible stories with characters that already exist, this one being a good example. Anyway, enough with my comments, I know you're here for the story, so onwards!


 The first half of the day seemed to pass quickly, time seeming to fly in the classroom. Though that might have been just for Izuku, who spent the time alternately taking notes and inwardly freaking out at the amount of heroes teaching them. Seriously, how did they even have time to teach, not to mention do all the paperwork involved, and still have time to do heroic things? Forget the League of Villains' motives, this was the real mystery here. He let out a relieved sigh as the bell rang, releasing everyone to Lunch. Their English teacher, Present Mic, told them their homework as they filed out of the room, eager to eat.

"That guy's a piece of work." Shinshou commented, suddenly appearing next to Izuku as they walked to the cafeteria. "Can't deny that he's a good hero, though." Izuku nodded, mentally noting to include earplugs in his vigilante arsenal; it wouldn't do to run into Present Mic on the streets and be unprepared. Actually, he'd need to add several things to his arsenal, considering all of the teachers in Yuuei were heroes; this situation just got better by the goddamn minute, didn't it.

The cafeteria was massive; thirty tables being taken up by hungry, chattering students and still with more tables to be filled. Shinshou and Izuku both went to the lunch line, gabbing trays and looking at the menu. He really shouldn't have been surprised that the cooking hero, Lunch Rush, was working at Yuuei as well; but today just seemed to be full of surprises for poor Izuku. He let out a groan as he sat down at an empty table, pushing his lunch tray to the side in favor of resting his forehead on the table.

"You seem to be having fun." Shinshou commented, picking up his chopsticks and beginning to eat his plate of noodles. "What, you already brain dead? Hate to break it to you, Midoriya, but we still have the other half of the day to finish; and the rest of the school year after that."

Izuku turned his head to face his new....what does he call Shinshou anyways? A friend? An acquaintance? "Leave me be," he groaned, "I most of my life admiring these heroes, and here I am getting taught by them. My brain needs some time to comprehend." The blue haired boy shrugged and went back to his meal.

A tray hit the seat in front on him with a loud smack, making his head shoot up; it was only Shinshou's hand grabbing the front of his shirt that kept him from falling to the floor. "Hey, Izuku!" Ochako beamed, Iida taking a seat next to her. "Who's this?" She asked, looking at Shinshou curiously.

Izuku cleared his throat, "Ochako, Iida, this is Shinshou, my classmate." He introduced, "Shinshou, these are my friends Iida and Ochako." The brunette waved cheerfully to the blue haired boy, who awkwardly waved back.

"It is relieving to see that you have made friends in your own class, Midoriya." Iida said, taking a sip of his drink. "Ochako was particularly concerned about that." The girl in question blushed pink.

"I-it's only because you're so nice!" She exclaimed, "people might try to take advantage of that!"

Shinshou nodded, "She's got a point." He said, "You," he pointed at Izuku with his chopsticks. "are much too nice. People are gonna walk all over you if you aren't be careful." Izuku opened his mouth, ready to argue when a familiar pair of hands slammed down on the tabletop. "Like now."

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