Chapter 22:

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My cellphone dinged, informing me that i have a new notification. I unlocked it to see that Aiden has tagged me in a photo in instagram. It was a photo of me and him, at McDonald's. With the caption "Free McDonald's because i won" and with a laughing emoji.
The picture already had 25 likes. He was pretty famous. He had more than 1000 followers.
I commented with a I'll get you back! And logged out.

I need to get up and complete my homework, well an essay, that is to be submitted tomorrow.

My phone rang. I picked it up.

"It's like 15 minutes since we last saw each other and you already miss me?" I smirked.

"Very funny. I called you to tell you that I am picking you up tomorrow for school. You are not walking." Aiden said.

"You know what, I am not even going to argue. But dont be late."

"Okay! What are you doing by the way?"

"Essay. Are you done?"

"No. I'll do it tomorrow at school. I have a free block before English."

"Lucky! I have Maths."

"You'll be with Dave. Dont worry you'll have fun. You'll feel like you are sitting with a radio."

"Well, let's see how it goes then."

I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs. Mun was already in the kitchen, as I was late. I grabbed an apple and said a quick goodbye to mum.

"You are late!" Aiden said.

"Thanks for stating the obvious!" I replied.

Soon we reached the school and I jumped out.

"I am going to be late for Maths!" I panicked.

"I texted Dave for you, to save a seat for you!" Aiden said.

"You are being a lot nicer!" I said, with shock written over my face.

"That's what friends do." He smiled.

"Right." I smiled at him.

I reached my classroom 30 seconds early. I saw Dave and sat beside him.

"Thank you!" I said.

"Its no problem. I wanted to talk to you." I nodded. "Its a message from Joe. Christina is coming tomorrow, so we have decided to go to the amusement park. Joe said he's going to make a whatsapp group but I guess he forgot. So I decided to convey it to you."


"You wanna study Maths right now?" He asked.

"To be honest, no. You?"

"No. Wanna skip? The teacher is late." He smirked.

"Hell yes!" I picked up my bag and together we left the classroom, only to find the teacher on the staircase.

"Where are you two going?" She asked .

"Ma'am we..."

"She was taking me to the nurse as I fell down in the class and I *ow* sort of spranked my, my ankle." Dave said. I pursed my lips, to stop myself from laughing.

"Oh.. Make sure you get him there safely Diana. Need any help?"

"No!" Dave and I said simultaneously.

"We mean, Ma'am you have a class. I'll take Dave."

"Okay then." She smiled and went upstairs.

"That was close!" We highfived. We ran towards the cafeteria when I told Dave to proceed to the table and I'll come soon after I keep away my stuff.

As I reached my locker, I was welcomed with a very unpleasant site. The school Queens, or I like to call the real life bitches.

"Nice seeing you here Bianca!" I greeted the head of the school bitches.

"You stay away from Aiden! He's mine!" She screeched.

"Woah woah! He all yours. He is just a friend to me!"

"I dont care! He asked me out this morning!" Well why does this hurt. "And even if you like him just like a friend or you have a crush on him, stay away from him. Or I'll make your life hell here." She threatened.

"Crush on Aiden!" I started laughing. "Pfftt please!"

"Why? What's wrong in having a crush on me! Diana! I thought we had something special!" I turned around to find Aiden, with his hand on his heart, pretending to be hurt.

"Oh please!" How low can he be? His date is standing in front of him and he wont end his flirting.

"I am hurt. By the way, Bianca... Who said I asked you out. I'd rather jump in a pool full of...." He looked at me. "Umm... pool of soil. And smoke a cigarette!"

"How could you Aiden!" Bianca started crying. Like with actual tears.

"Bianca stop being such a drama queen. And I DIDNT ASK YOU OUT! SO STOP LYING!" He screamed the last part so everyone could hear. "I said that way so the rumour you started would stop." He walked away. I followed him.

"So.. being a bad girl already Di!" He smirked.

"I didnt want to study Maths, and niether Dave wanted to. So we decided to let it go."

"Yea, Dave told me. Wanted to ask you, you coming to amusement park?"

"I dont know..."

"Come on you have to. You're a part of us.. so you cant deny any of the plans."

"I'll try.." I sighed.

"Nah. We are going to Joe's house straight form school. Christina would already be there, and then, we'll go to the amusement park."


"Wohoo! Wanna grab some coffee after school." I raised my eye brow. "I need to show you something..." he said immediately.

"Sure..." I replied.

Another chapter... i have the next chapter already written.. will be uploading on Saturday :)
Till then..
Good Bye Xxx
See ya guys soon :)
IG>> Nawaal_nasir99

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