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Brinley quickly found Monty but Jasper was nowhere in sight.

'Hey, Monty.' Brinley settled herself beside Monty whom was sitting by the fire.

'Hey, Brin.' Monty seemed upset and Brinley frowned, following his eyes to Jasper who was surrounded by a group of girls.

'Since when did Jasper become Adonis or something?' She frowned.

'Since he helped Bellamy take out the grounders yesterday.' Monty shook his head. 'Apparently he's too good for me now.'

Brinley frowned, hugging Monty from the side. 'He's being stupid, he'll come around. And besides, you still got me.'

Monty cracked a smile, hugging her back. 'Thanks Brinley. I heard about the Exodus ship, I'm sorry.'

Brinley sighed. 'Yeah, me too.'

'Hey Monty!' Miller appeared, Octavia close behind, and she narrowed her eyes.

'Hey Miller, almost time for your shift?' Monty motioned towards the guards stationed near the fence.

'Yeah almost, but hey I have a question to ask you.'

'Okay?' Monty sounded confused.

'What's your opinion on Brinley here and Bellamy?'

'Miller.' Brinley growled out.

'What do you mean?' Monty frowned, looking between Miller and Brinley.

'I mean, do you think they're sleeping together?'

'That's it!' Brinley stood up, grabbing Miller by the ear and dragging him away from a bewildered Monty and a laughing Octavia.

'Ow! Brinley!'

'Hey Sterling, Miller's here to take over from you.'

Sterling nodded, looking sightly confused. 'But it isn't-'

'He wants to take over early, you work too hard.' Brinley smiled sweetly at Sterling, pinching Miller's arm as he started to protest.

Sterling looked between the two warily. 'I uhm, okay.' He held the gun out to Miller but Brinley took it before he could.

'Thanks!' She smiled at Sterling as she pushed Miller into his post lightly.

'Awh c'mon Brinley, it's not my turn yet.' Miller complained.

'It is now.' She handed him the gun, still smiling sweetly at him. She was aware of the eyes watching her and Miller with interest but she ignored them.

'One of these days you're going to realise I'm right.'

'Right about what?' She challenged.

'You like Bellamy Blake.' Brinley could see the people around her looking at each other in interest and she rolled her eyes.

'You been into the jobi nuts again, Miller? Cause you're sounding kinda delusional.'

Miller smirked at her, seeing how uncomfortable she was with the others surrounding them watching her. He climbed up to his post, turning around to face her.

'Hey Brinley?'

Brinley raised an eyebrow at him.

'Don't worry, I'll keep an eye out for your boyfriend.'

Brinley swore, flipping him the finger as he laughed to himself.


'Pure animal instinct? More like pants wetting panic.'

War of Hearts 》Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now