chapter 61

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There's a reason I don't date. I've never told anyone what that real reason is and hadn't planned on it until...

The door of my shared dormitory swings open and in walks an overly cheery Lily Evans. Her green eyes brighten even more when she spots me sprawled across my bed. "Chiara, hello!" She greets sweetly. Too sweetly. "Ooh, I love what you've done with your hair today!"

I narrow my eyes at her and slam the special golden book that Dumbledore gave me shut. "Okay, what did you do?"

"Well," Lily starts, jumping onto my bed and laying on her back beside me. I turn my head and grin back at her. Her red hair is sprawled around her like a halo. "I got Amos Diggory to go out with me on Sunday."

I shoot up and hit her arm playfully. "Way to go, Lils! He is incredibly fit." It's true, Amos is quite a handsome boy in just a year above us.

"I know! But there's a catch..." She smiles sheepishly at me.

I raise an intrigued eyebrow. "Oh?"

"Amos said he'd only be able to go if his friend William something-or-other got a date with you."

The smile falls off my face. Oh no. Oh no! "You didn't!" I gasp.

"I did...agh I'm sorry! Before I even knew what was coming out of my mouth I'd already agreed."

"Ugh, Lily!" I groan and begin pounding my head against the wooden headboard. "The bloke couldn't even ask me out himself, he had to get his mate to ask you. And you know I don't date."

"I do." She eyes me warily. "Why is that again?" She asks, her deep emerald eyes peering into my soul.

I open my mouth to reply but end up sounding like a spluttering mess. "Th-the right person hasn't a-asked me yet."

"Oh, lovely, just do it this one time! For me?" She pouts, widening those hypnotizing eyes and clasping her hands together in front of her. Oh, she's good. She knows I can't resist that pout of hers. You can get me to do just about anything if you flash me that look.

I roll my eyes at the very thought of this William character. "He's going to go around telling everyone we're dating now. This is a disaster." I bury my face into my pillow. It's hard to breathe but for the sake of my theatrics, I'll hold my breath.

"You're being dramatic." Lily giggles, pulling the pillow out from under me. "It's one crumby date. One or two butterbeers, a bit of walking, and some small talk. That's all I'm asking, lovely."

I groan again. Oh, the things I do for the people I love. "Alright, I suppose."

She squeals and pulls me into a side hug. "Yay! You're the best."

Lily gets up and walks over to her bedside table. She begins brushing those red locks as I keep thinking. "What am I going to tell Sirius?" The words accidentally slip out and I blush madly while Lily smiles at me all-knowingly.

"What was that?" She heard me full well, she's just being annoying.

"I said...what am I going to tell James and Sirius?" I try, lying terribly.

She saunters back over with that same look on her pretty face. "No. You didn't mention Potter at all." I sigh and her face softens. "Chiara, is he the reason you don't date?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." I cross my arms over my chest stubbornly. Yes you do, liar.

"You can't fool me, sweetheart. I can see right through that little act of yours." She almost sings with a smirk.

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