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"We're going to die," I told them.

"Come on, Kes, be positive," Julian murmured.

"I'm positive we're going to die."

Julian groaned.

The four of us were walking through a dark alley that looked like it housed the scum of the city. Syringes scattered the ground, the walls had burn marks on them (not my fault) and also Splatters of what looked like blood and the air smelled cloyingly sweet.

You know you're fucked when you're actually relieved to have a badass assassin three feet from you.

"Why couldn't he meet up somewhere decent?" Elizaveta whisper-yelled.

"Because he's smart enough to know that killing me at a public place is a bad idea, we need to be careful," he whispered.

"Why does he want to kill you?" Julian asked.

"Why does anyone?" I muttered.

"I told you. I spared his life and as long as I live, he'll live in fear that I night come for him," Kai said. "Which I am, so I guess it's somewhat justified."

"So we're meeting a guy who's probably more prepared than we are somewhat in a desolate alley when we know he's planning something, doesn't that seem..." I tried to find a polite way of saying brick stupid. "... Counter-intuitive?"

"It's better than staying idle," Kai replied. "No one ever won a fight by staying inactive. Did you hear that?"

"Shh," Elizaveta hushed.

Kai frowned and held up a hand in the universal gesture for 'shut the fuck up.'

"I can't hear anything," I whispered.

"What happened?" Kai whispered.

"Someone is here," she said. "Two men, I think. Somewhere in the building over there. Isn't this area deserted?"

I took a step closer to Kai.

"Yes," Julian confirmed.

"Elizaveta, take Julian with you and take them out," Kai murmured.

Elizaveta nodded once and disappeared into the shadows with Julian. The eerie sound of the wind whistling through the dark alley and the hair at the back of my neck stood at their ends. The buildings loomed above us, as if they were watching, waiting. We're not alone. I shivered and grabbed Kai's gloved hand as he started to walk ahead. He didn't react but he didn't push me away either. His attention seemed to be somewhere else.

The dress from the gas station did little to allay the bite of the cold wind. I felt exposed.

"Come on," Kai whispered. His hand closed around my fingers in a firm grip as he led me deeper into the darkness. He was in his element. Kai melted with the shadows as if he were one of them, his black clothing matched the darkness around us. He moved with fluid, lethal grace. The Circle was fucked if this guy was coming for them.

Me on the other hand?

I was trying not to squeak like a rat everytime I felt something touch me.

Wait, was I squeaking or was it actually a rat?!

Oh god. Oh god. Oh God. Oh God.

This time I was sure the squeak was mine when I saw the fattest rat I'd ever seen scurry across the ground not twelve inches from my foot.

"Shh," Kai reprimanded.

I jumped at that sound too. "Stuck with a princess. Brilliant," he muttered in a way that made me think it was not a compliment.

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