Chapter 1

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💜Aurion Nixon💜

"Wake up Lele."Nae said shaking me.

" want."I said rubbing my eyes.

"It's time for school."She said.

"Thanks for waking me up."I said getting off the bed.

"I left you some clothes in the bathroom."She said.

"Thankyou for everything. Even if I'm just staying here for a couple days."I said as I went inside the bathroom.

"Can you please stop thanking me? Your my best friend."She said.

"Ok."I said shutting the door.

I took my shower and put on the clothes nae had gave me. I had on a white sweater crop top with some light blue jeans. I put on a white headband over my curly hair.

"Auri."Nae called coming into the bathroom.

"Wassup."I smiled.

"I can't go with you to school."She said.

"What! Why?"I asked as my smile dropped.

"I have a doctor's appointment."She said.

"I don't wanna go alone."I whined.

"Sorry."She said.

"It's ok. I gotta go anyways."I said lacing up my white G fazos.

"Aight! See you later."She said hugging me.

"Bye."I said walking out her room.

"Bye honey"Nae's mom said.

"Bye Ms.Barbara"I waved going out the door.


"Oh my gosh! Watch where y'all going!"I yelled picking up my textbooks that dropped.

It was like rush hour in here. There was a lot of people trying to get to the cafeteria making the hallway crowded. I was getting pushed everywhere.

Someone ran into me and I almost fell but they caught me by holding on to my waist.

"I'm sorry."He said showing his pearly whites.

He was really cute.

"It's ok."I smiled.

"I'm Lucas. Lucas Coly."He said standing me up but his hands were still on my waist.

"I'm Aurion Coly"I said mesmerized by him.

"What?"He smirked.

"I'm sorry! I mean I'm Aurion Nixon."

"It's ok but it's nice to meet a beautiful girl like you."

"Tryna win me over with sweet talk."

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not."He smirked.

"So, your new?"


"Wanna come sit at my table?"

"I would love too but I have somewhere to be."He said.

"Well then."

"Hopefully I see you again."He smiled.

"Hopefully."I said walking away.

I walked into the cafeteria and went into the lunch line. I picked up spaghetti and a chocolate milk placing it on my tray.

I sat at me and nae's usual table in the back. I picked through my lunch and felt some one sit next to me. I looked next to me and seen it was lucas.

"Hay Aurion."He smiled.

"Hi Lucas. I thought you had somewhere to be."

"It's not important anymore."

"Oh ok."I nodded.

"Why you not eating?"He asked.

"I'm not really hungry right now."I said pushing my tray away.

"Well you know-"He said but got cut off.

"Hay Ariel."Jayceon said sitting in front of me.

"It's Aurion."I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever Autumn."He said.

"Did you finish my homework?"

"Yea"I said going in my bookbag and taking out his homework.

"Are you gonna give it to me?"He asked.

"Sorry."I apologized giving it to him.

"Whatever."He said walking away.

"What was that?"Lucas said.

"Me giving Jayceon his homework."I said in a "duh" tone.

"Why are you doing his homework?"

"Because he asked me to."

"Don't ever do that again."


"Just dont. Do not let people just run all over you."He said.

"Whatever."I said rolling my eyes.

"See! Why you ain't use that attitude on him?"

"I need to go."I said getting up.

"No! Stay. I'm sorry."He said grabbing my hand.

"Fine"I said sitting back down.


"Anything new."Nae said sitting on the bed next to me.

"I did meet a new friend or something like that."I said.

"Who is it?"

"His name is Lucas Coly. He so fine."I smiled.

"Hopefully he snatch you up."She smiled.

"What's that supposed to mean?"I pouted.

"You just need to get over a special someone."She said.

"I am over it."

"Are you sure?"

"Can we not talk about this?"I said.


"It's movie night, what you wanna watch?"She asked.

"Let's watch endless love."

"Since when did you watch romances."She smirked.

"Since now."I said.

"Do you have a lil crush on Lucas?"Nae smirked.

"I just met him."I rolled my eyes.

"I can see in the future that you guys will go out."She smiled.

"Can you just play the movie?"I blushed.

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