Chapter 1 (Edited)

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~8 years later~

I sighed as I grabbed my books out of my locker. I had math first period, and I was not looking forward to it.

I mean I'm good at math, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

I trudged to the math room as I held my books in my arms. It was Monday, and I was some of those people that just wished the school day would pass by. But with math first period, those days never came like I would have hoped.

I rolled my eyes as I passed the jocks and the popular girls. The jocks always made fun of me, and the popular girls always would look at me in disgust about how I dress. They think they dress much better? Note my sarcasm.

I smirked as I sat down in my seat just as the bell ring for first period. The teacher, Mr.Collins started writing math problems on the board.

I then started to copy them down, when finished, I solved the equations.

As soon as I finished, I passed my work in to the teacher. He then said I could do whatever I wanted as long as I didn't interrupt his 'nap'.

I took my phone out of my pocket and checked Instagram, Twitter, tumblr, and Facebook. I found nothing on my timeline, so I instead read a werewolf story on Wattpad.

I rolled my eyes at how stupid they made these girls seem when they found their mates. Lots of the stories were good, but some of them were too fake. Did I ever mention I was a werewolf?

Well I am. I have a pretty black coat, to match my blackish dark brown hair, and I have bright green eyes to match my eyes like in human form. I love my wolf. She's like me. She's sarcastic, can be polite, funny, and is very smart. Her name is Layla.

Mostly everyone I know who is a werewolf, they want to find their mates. It's like the first thing on their bucket list, but as for me, I only want to focus on my studies. I don't give a crap about some guy that is gonna make me happy. I'm happy on my own. Plus the only two boys I've had in my life are my dad, and my brother Daniel. They still treat me like I don't exist, but I've gotten used to it. I ignore them too now.

I think of my mom every day. I think of my old life. Of how happy I was. I remember how much I used to smile. Everyone says my smile looks just like my mothers, they said it could light up a room. But ever since her tragic death, I have never smiled again. It just reminded me to much of her.

I was in dreamland so long, I didn't hear the bell. But as I seen the students shuffling out of the classroom, I packed up my things and started towards second period.

As I neared the corner that lead to the classroom I was instructed to be, I clashed into a wall. Wait, a wall?

I looked up, rubbing my nose, and seen Luke Hanson, the schools 'player'. He was an ass. You wouldn't want to mess with someone like him. It got you in very bad situations, such as this one.

"Watch where your going bitch!" Then he knocked me on the ground. Everyone started laughing at me and I sighed. I went to pick up my books, but Luke kicked them away rudely. I narrowed my eyes at him, and finally grabbed my books before he could kick them again. I got up hastily and proceeded down the hallway, ignoring the whispering and snickering of what just happened.

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