Walls #20

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"My faith cannot be broken, it make shake from time to time but I know who my trust lies in.."

Senoj's Pov

"WHO IS IT?" Mr Laurence yelled from inside of his office. I stood outside his office and jumped at his harsh tone, I would never get use to it. I had a paper due from Christmas break and I was only trying to turn it in. 

It seemed as if every time I turned in my work I was bothering him. He is the one who assigns me to the jobs I do so why it would bother him when I turned them in I don't know. 

He was the most miserable man I have met. With all the talent he has it all goes to waste with his vulgar attitude. I had come to realize that behind someone's anger there was pain. Something has to happen in ones life to make them the way they are today. Whether people realize it or not what happens today will effect our tomorrows.

So whatever had happened in Mr.Laurence's past had to be the cause of his unhappiness. He stayed in the office after closing hours working. He would yell and curse at anyone who stayed around him for to long. He was so smart and the work he put out was only that of the best. He was all about perfection in his work, but if you went into his office you would think a tornado had swept through considering all the papers that stacked his desk and the the books on and off the shelf. 

I wanted to help.

"Yes, i'm here to turn in my paper" I told him switching my body weight from one leg to the other.

I could hear him groan and flip through what sounded like papers.


I opened the door, folder in one hand and book bag slung over my shoulder. I'm pretty sure I looked a mess but compared to my boss he had me  beat. 

This morning consisted of  me getting up thirty minutes late because my alarm didn't go off. Having to stop for breakfast and sitting in traffic for fifteen years.

It looked like my boss didn't get any sleep at all, didn't eat any breakfast and got hit by two trains. 

His hair stood up straight uncombed and unkempt. The bags under his eyes where visible from a far so up close I knew they would be most visible.

I handed him my paper and he looked at it oddly, as if thinking about what assignment he had given me. He placed it to the side on the stack of all the other papers he had piled up.

I shook my head with a sighed. 

He looked up annoyed that I was still in his office. I shot him a smile. Maybe no one smiled at him enough. Maybe he showed no kindness because he never received any. 

"How was your Christmas break?" I asked him.

I believe he was taken back by the question. He furrowed his eyebrows and scratched his head. He placed his pencil behind his ear and leaned back in his chair to look at me.

"I was here most of the break catching up on some paper work," he said pushing the loose strands of his dark hair from his face,

I nodded "Do you have any family?" I questioned "I mean you should spend time with family on holidays."

He blinked a few times "No." he replied firmly.

"Well i'm going to be on break pretty soon would you like go to lunch with me? There's a great Chinese restaurant not to far from here," I told him.

He looked slightly taken back by my question his face became distorted and confused. He nodded slowly before dismissing me and starting back on his work.

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