{5} I'll do it!

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Jack's POV -

I was frozen I had no clue what I could do I just need to think this through.....ok, I'll tell him I like him I love him right now!
I walked down the stairs to find Mark and Pewds waiting for me at the bottom.
"Hey gu-" I was interrupted
"Sean me and Pewds have been talking and we need to tell you something..." Mark said with a Irritated face.
"Yeah bro" the Swedish male said
"Umm o-ok" I said I felt like I was gonna burst out into tears.
"Sean we can't be friends..." Mark stared me right in my face, I knew he wasn't joking.
"Yeh Jack your just not acting like yourself since we first met" Pewds said, standing behind Mark.
"But Pewds..." I whimpered
"Felix, my name's Felix" He looked away
Mark crossed his arms and said "your just acting weird around me so we can't be friends, you creep me out"
"Bro, you better be going right?" Felix growls.
I sighed "Yh I guess..." I walk back up stairs to get my bag, I saw in Mark's bag a box looking plushie with a face. I picked it up and looked at it, it said 'Tiny Box Tim" "This mist be like Septic Sam" I whispered to myself. Then a weird thought came into my head... Steal Tim... For revenge....and mostly to have a but a Mark with me.
"Ok! I'll do it!" I shouted.
"Bro hurry up, what's happening up there?!" I heard the Swedish shout up at me.
"Oh nothing..." I shouted back "I'm nearly done packing"
"Oh shit I didn't realise I said that out loud..." I mumbled to myself, I stuffed Tim in my bag and walked down the creaky old stairs.
"Bye Bro" Felix said
Mark just stared angry at me.
As I stepped out of the door I felt a warm hand on my shoulder, I turned to see Mark.
"Say hi to Wade will ya?" He laughed
He pushed me out the door, they both laughed as they slammed the door. I sighed and made the journey home, it was only 7am so it was still kinda dark out, but it didn't bother me, I just felt guilt form stealing Marks plush.
---Time skip---
I got home to find no one in, my mom must be working early mornings. I ran up stairs and threw my bag on the floor. I took the small box out of my bag and put it on the shelf next to my Septic-green eye plush. I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling, think about the friendship I lost, "why did I have to be so weird", I sighed
A couple minutes later...
I heard a ping noise from my phone, "who could that be, I don't have anyone's number, only...." I gasped and giant smile spread across my face. I pulled out my phone to see the name 'Markimoo'. The smile across my face slowly faded when I saw the message that came with it...

M: hey delete this number will ya, I don't need nerds like you texting me

J: but what about the project?

M: I don't give 2 fucks about it

J: ok fine

M: bye looser, enjoy hanging out with Bob and Wade

I sighed, I could never delete his number, he wouldn't find out if I don't message him! Suddenly a plan popped in my head... what if I could make Mark love me...

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