Chapter 59

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Vada stared wide eyed as the man turned to face her- his face merciless.

She stepped back, shaking her head.

The water jug hadn't done a thing to him.

"You little..." He began, moving towards her rapidly. Vada jumped back, moving as far as she could to the end of the room.

Then suddenly, he slumped forward and hit the floor with resounding thud.

Vada stared down at him for a second, her chest heaving up and down from the adrenaline. She waited- waited to see if he would get up.

"hello?" she said, a bit childishly.  She moved forward, giving him a kick, but he didn't move.

She bit her lip, he was all that was standing between her and the unlocked door.

She leaned forward, this time, slapping him with her hand... but again, there was nothing- then her eyes darted to the gun on his hip.

She moved back against the wall.

"Just get it." She told herself but shook her head.

"No, it's a trick. What if he wakes up?"

"So what do I do? Just wait here?"

"What would you do with a gun?

"I guess we'll find out." She finally said decisively, moving forward quickly and pulling it from his side.

She screamed, when he suddenly moved, reaching out for her but crazily enough- her instinct didn't fail her and she hit him on the head as hard as she could with the gun.

The man once again slumped back and Vada stared at him, a strange smile on her face as she turned to look at the gun in her hands.

She was shaking wildly.

Vada sat there in a sort of stupor for a few moments, almost forgetting where she was and what was going on.

Then she heard some noise down stairs and she quickly bolted for the door.


Davide ran into one of the men as fast as he could, pushing him up against the wall and knocking him over.

There was a crash as a table was knocked over and the both hit the opposite wall.  He quickly stood, grabbing the man by the neck and punching him several times before the other man in the room came up behind him and threw him against the opposite wall.

Davide stood up slowly- he could hear more people approaching but he couldn't quite see from where, then he felt another blow to the stomach.

Vada could hear the commotion downstairs but she slid down quietly, peering from behind the wall and catching a glimpse of Davide, blindly fighting against three men.

'why did he come alone?' she thought, frantically wondering what she could do.

She caught sight of Stacey, who was staring blankly from across the room, no reaction, her face blank.

That woman really was insane.

A few seconds later, it was quiet, and Vada kneeled down to try to get a glimpse of what was going on.

"Should we finish him?" One of the men said, looking over at Stacey as he pulled out his gun.

Stacey finally blinked as if break out of her trance.

"You idiot. If you shoot him, his men will be in here in two seconds." Stacey said.

"So now what?" The man asked, putting his gun back down.

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