Monster (Loki fluff)

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~School is killing me. Here's a story for ones~

[Readers pov]

I take a deep breath, taking a slow step towards his door. I've heard crying for at least ten minutes at this point. Slowly pushing down the handle and glancing inside.
What I see makes me nearly choke, Loki, my sweet love, sitting on the floor in a pile of books and with his body curled up as if a child being afraid.

His soft sobs fill the room, his eyes hidden behind his hair and hands. With just a few steps I get myself to him, sitting down next to him and pulling him close to my chest. He shakes and shivers in my arms, his breathing shaky and uneven.

"Oh darling, what's wrong?" I ask as soothingly as I possibly can. His teary eyes looking up at me with such hurt and almost fear, making my heart ache. "I'm a can you like such a beast?" His voice is barely above a whisper, his fingers holding onto mine almost desperately.

"I've told you this many a time Loki. I love you, the real you. It doesn't matter what's in your past, it is you I love, not your history." I gently grace his cheek,looking into his eyes.
"But I'm a monster. Sweetling, I'm a monster that has done so much wrong. I've destroyed lives, been incredibly selfish and I'm a damned frost giant. A beast without a heart." He sobs.

I smile sadly, softly letting my fingers go to his neck, feeling his pulse. "If you had no heart I wouldn't feel your heart beating. If you had no emotion you would not be crying. If you were selfish you wouldn't care why I loved you, you'd never even question it. Yet you do." I whisper softly, smiling gently as I kiss his forehead.

A small smile breaks through on his tear stained face, his eyes lighting up with a sense of happiness. Our lips meet for a short moment before we part ones more.

The rest of the evening is spent cuddling up, lovingly gazing into each others eyes and wishing that this moment would last forever.

~It's short but it's something. I thought of this when I heard that song I linked up top. Hope you enjoyed it. Sorry for being afk af. Sorry for any spelling mistakes. I wrote this one a bus.~

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