114 Hostage rescue

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After a brief stopover in the oni-world they appeared through another portal into the world of men. Yuna looked around and realized that they were on a rooftop. She had seen this building. They were in the southern part of the city center. It was an office building with about twenty floors, she estimated. In addition, there were a couple of attachments that were less high.

Was it Tirr's intention that they were on the roof of the headquarters of the Takagi-group? The girl turned to her abductor.

"A rooftop? Why?"

"I love the view," giggled Tirr.

Annoyed she grimaced. "Seriously."

Baldly he surveyed once their entire environment, then looked back at the huntress. "I can see the whole area. No hiding place for my dear friend."

"I got it. Somehow you're not as crazy as you want us to believe. You plan and calculate. You're not a madman but a psychopath."

Tirr's demonic grin seemed to grow wider. "Good gracious. You're right. For the first time in my life I find someone who understands me. Why o why have I done all these horrible things? Yuna ... you can save me."

The girl drew high her left eyebrow critically. "Ah yes?"

"Not? I always thought you heroes all have this wimp mentality."

Slowly, the blue-haired shook her head. "I'm not a hero."

With his right index finger the monster poked her side. "But of course you are. In this piece you're the heroine. Everyone relies on you to save them."

"If I am to be the heroine, who are you then?"

The oni let his sick giggle resound. "Isn't that obvious?"

"I guess so, but I bet you'd enjoy to say it out loud."

Tirr laughed. "Ah yes ... And next you want to elicit from me my diabolical plan?"

"I know your plan already. You told it to me before."

For a moment, the fiend blinked with an expression of confusion on his face. Then he grinned again. "Damn it. I probably didn't understand the script properly." He turned to an imaginary group of people, shouting, "CUT!" The huntress snorted dismissively. "Everything to the beginning. Action!" roared Tirr.

"You really think you're funny, don't you?"

"I am amused deliciously."

"Obviously." She hesitated briefly, then asked, "What are you going to do with Yoshiro?"

"Ha ha. I almost forgot that spinner. Call him."

Yuna pinched her eye. "Tell me, what you are going to do with him."

"Call him! Or I'll throw you off this roof!"

The girl shrugged her shoulders. "Probably I will survive that."

"Will you take your chances?"

The blue-haired sighed, then she took her cell phone and dialed Yoshiro's number. Tirr stood close behind her. While she waited, she noticed that her heartbeat had accelerated. Of course she was nervous. She was with her nemesis alone on a rooftop and surely should lure her mentor into a trap. But what choice did she have? A click told her that the call was accepted.


"Hey, Yoshiro ..." she murmured softly.

Onihunter YunaWhere stories live. Discover now