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I turned around.
I looked around my feet, my chair, my table.
I even asked told Kyle that something blunt but fairly sharp hit my head.
He turned around and took something out of my hair.

A paper airplane.

We both looked over at Marcello.

It looked like he was playing charades. But I finally found out what he was trying to say.

I looked over at Kyle. Then said "I think he said 'open it'."

Kyle agreed and I opened it.

"We need to talk.
- Marcello"

Eventually the teacher noticed.

"Mr Savio, care to tell us what you have been muttering about? I mean if you have been muttering to yourself for the past," she paused whilst checking the time on the clock which was in our direction. "20 minutes, so I guess you would like to share what you have been muttering about to the whole class."

I was shocked.

I don't know if he will actually tell, but it is Marcello, I don't think he's afraid of anybody.

"I was muttering how Miss Cruz didn't talk to me even though I asked her really poiltely." He stated this in front of the whole class then stared at me. His stare triggered everyone else's stare to me. Yes me. Kyle started to stare as well.

Ugh I wanted to slap him. Why did he do that? He had to embarrass me in front of everyone.

So annoying.

Then Miss broke the silence and said "Well Miss Cruz and Mr Savio we would all like to know your current affairs but I'm afriad we have some classwork we have to catch on."

She turned back to the whiteboard explaining things I had already studied. Some girl who sat on my right passed me a note. I opened it up with Kyle looking.

'Hey meet me up at the library
at our usual place. I said I need
to talk to you and I was serious.'


"So where is this 'place' and why did he say 'our'?" he used his fingers to represent quotation marks but I just simply told him the story. But he interputed in the middle of it saying "oh yeah I heard all of this before."

I looked at him.

So did I waste my time talking to him rather than listening to the teacher? "From who?" He laughed, quietly but loud enough for me to hear him. "Well who else? The devil himself." I looked at Marcello, sleeping on his desk whilst Miss wacked him on the head with a ruler telling him to wake up' the thing is, the ruler was metal.


"Marcello?" I looked at him. I wasn't fully convinced. "Yeah who else knows the story?" He has a point.

Class ended it was just Kyle and I just talking, the great part is that we are both smart, so whenever Miss had a question for us to answer we always knew the answer, so she couldn't really tell us off.

I was making my way down town. Just kidding, I was actually making my way to the library at MY usual spot. There he was, he had his head on the table. I think he was sleeping so I slapped him on the head.

"Ow! That actually hurt! Who knew a small girl like you could hit so hard?!" He screamed at me whilst I laughed. But we had to keep it down. The librarian walked over close to us and was starting at us like we were her prey and she was the predator.

"Anyways what did you want to talk about?" I asked him whilst sitting up straight.

"Oh. Yeah. That. So the guy who wanted to meet you up was Angelo, I'm guessing?" He looked at me whilst rubbing the top of his head in a circular motion.

"Yeah." It became awkward. At least for me. Like, I was sitting opposite a really popular guy who I just met a couple of days ago and I'm talking to him like I'm close? This feels weird. Very weird.

"So he's courting you?" He looked at me. I think this just became a bit more awkward. IN MY OPINION. Ahhh. I hope one of his fan girls come and distract him.

The doors of the library open. Ahh my saviour! If you only come this way! This way please!!! I was getting ready for this moment so I reached into my bag and my head followed my hands. The footsteps came closer.

"Jen, can I talk to you?" Eh? This wasn't a girl's voice. I wonder if it's a fan boy? Those exist actually. I moved my head in the direction of the voice. I saw shoes, my eyes trailed up the shoes all the way to the face as if my eyes were climbing a moutain. It was Alexander.

"Ah. Lee!" I shouted.

The librarian came back and said " That's it. You guys will have to carry on doing what you are doing outside. You guys are too loud in the library." My jaw opened. We just got kicked out of the library. I just got kicked out of the library. This has never happened before. Me? Getting kicked out of the library? For how long???

"Awww." I started to stare at the library doors as they closed behind us. Before I knew it I was in between two really tall guys, I hate being the piggy in the middle.

"Anyways, Jen I need to talk to you." Alexan- nevermind let me call him Lee it's much easier to say. Lee insisted to talk to me and held my hand. Like oh my oxygen!

"Hey. Mari, we still got some business to talk about." Marcello had both of his hands in the pockets of his trousers and he stood there. Then he stared at me. No. He glared at me. So seriously that his gaze can scare the life out of you. But I didn't want to carry on the conversation.

"Umm. Marcello I'll talk to you later." I looked at Marcello before walking away with Lee.

Lee looked at me. "I need to talk with your parents."


Heeeeh? Talking to parents? Share, follow me and vote. :D

An Asian Falling For An Italian. [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now