Birthday Suprise~Natalie

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It's January 17. For you, it was the one day a year where you actually got noticed. You rolled over in bed to check your phone, only to see hundreds of birthday widhes. You first checked your messages, where all of the close people in your life like your family members wishing you a happy birthday. You went on Instagram to see that all the people from the Sam and Colby fandom had made you special birthday edits. You were so glad you joined this family,  You had met so many amzing people that you have grown close to. You got a message from one of your bestfriend, Cassie.
N~Natalie. C~Cassie.

N: What are you talking about?
C: Have you not checked your Twitter yet?!?
N: No, I just got up, why?
C: Oml go go go go

You go straight to your Twitter, not knowing what was going on. You see it. Oh my God. Panic attack setting in. COLBY BROCK JUST SHOUTED YOU OUT ON TWITTER!!

COLBY~ happy birthday Natalie! Hope your birthday is an amazing one! 🐨💙

Oh my God! Is this real? Am I dreaming? As if that wasnt amazing enough, you are that he followed you and spammed your account. This was the best day ever!!

I'm not gonna lie, I really like this 😂 I hope you do too Natalie! Love you ! 💙

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