Broken Promises - Sequel (Short whoops)

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I woke up, shuddering and sobbing. He was gone, but he was here... I walked out of my room and towards Nagito's room. I saw him sit up and tilt his head. "Hinata-kun...? Are you okay?" He asked. I shook my head. "You were dying and... you didn't... and you left me... alone... and..." I said between sobs.

"Sh, Hinata-kun. It's fine, okay?" Nagito comforted me and took me in his arms. I stayed there for a bit, then I felt him become limp. He had fallen asleep. I sighed, burying my face into his warm chest. I wrapped my arms around him and felt myself go to sleep along with him.

Again, I woke up shivering. The nightmares wouldn't leave. At least Nagito was still by my side. I heard him murmur something inaudible and turn over. I smiled, seeing him here with me was good. I decided to go back to my own room and leave Nagito to sleep. He needed sleep more than I did anyway.

I climbed into my own bed and sat up for a bit, thinking about Nagito. I didn't want to lose him. Anyway, he probably would live for a long time, wouldn't he? I decided to go to the kitchen to get a drink to calm my nerves. 

I found something in the fridge and poured it into a cup. I sat in a chair and stared at the wall. I didn't do anything else for about an hour. I tried to get up out of my chair, but then fell down. Everything went black.


I woke up, shuddering and sobbing. He was gone and he had been for three years now.

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