Chapter 26

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I try to go through the sea of students that are in the hallway, they are all trying to get to the same classroom everyone is.

The chemistry classroom.

The mess started when the bell rang and students started moving from class to class.

Some freshmen had chemistry with Mrs. Rodriguez, and when they arrived to the classroom they got a surprise.

Some girls started screaming and all the teachers got out of the classrooms to see what was going on, just to find that the whole room was filled with some weird smoke and everyone inside was in the floor.

The gossip spreaded quickly and after a few minutes everyone knew what happened, and obviously they were all curious and wanted to see the scene themselves.

And here I am.

Trying to go through the crowd of people. Mrs. Martin called the police and paramedics, they arrived a few minutes later, the Sheriff with them.

Cops are guarding the entrance to the classroom focused on not letting any students through.

The moment I heard what happened I knew it wasn't a coincidence that Scott, Lydia, Stiles and Malia were in that class.

I finally get to the begining of the line and look for Sheriff Stilinski.

After a few seconds I see him talking with some paramedics.

-"Sheriff!" I yell loud enough for him to hear me

He turns around to look at me and walks towards me. He lays his hand on top of the shoulder of the cop in front of me and says.

-"Let this girl through"

Without hesitation the cop lets me pass, I hear some people protest but I ignore them.

-"Sheriff what happened?" I ask

-"Officially, there was an accident while handling chemicals during class..." He says

-"And unofficially?"

-"Come with me" He quickly answers

At first look he seems calm, but you can tell that he's worried.

Has something happened to Stiles or one of the others?

Sheriff Stilinski opens the door of the classroom.

I gasp.

Inside the bodies of the students are laying on the floor in a line, paramedics around them.

There were a few people in lab coats taking samples.

I looked at the faces and I recognized Scott laying next to Lydia. Stiles a few places back, he was laying next to Katherine.

-"What the hell happened?" I asked more to myself

-"That's what we're trying to figure out right now, the paramedics say that they passed out and that they should wake up soon, we're just waiting for them to wake up and ask them what happened" He answers

I look at the faces of the people laying on the floor. Scott, Lydia, Stiles, Katherine... Someone is missing.

-"Kira? What's wrong?" Stilinski asks me

It takes me a few seconds to realize that Malia should've been in the class to.

-"Sheriff, where's Malia? Malia was supposed to be in class with them!" I say

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