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Cory p.o.v.

Everyone just needs to shut the hell up

Ciara: cory what is going on!

Camilla: he said the plan was over

Ciara: you shut up

Camilla: make me

They started arguing..

Me: AYE!!!

Camilla: look..imma just grab lucas and leave

Me: okay

Ciara: don't let her do that

Me: you know what ciara..

Ciara: what?

Me: I am soo tired of you!!

We started arguing

Camilla: (shaking lucas) wake up

Lucas: ...

Camilla: wake the fuck up!!!

Lucas: I'm up damn!!

Me: (grabs knife) why don't you leave before I cut you

Lucas: huh? what the hell is going on!!

Camilla: put the knife down cory

I was still staring at ciara

Ciara: (laughing) wow you gonna cut me with that

Me: yes I am

End p.o.v.

Lucas p.o.v.

Bruh I am soo confused like why am I in his house and why is Cory tryna stab ciara

Me: camilla lets go

Camilla: alr

We walked not even looking back

Me: they crazy

Camilla: eh..but why was you in that house

Me: I don't know

Camilla: (rolls eyes) yeah okay

Me: all I know is the back of my head hurt

She looked at it

Camilla: damn!!

Me: what is it

Camilla: they really fucked you up

Me: imma get revenge on both them

Camilla: if they know

Me: alive?

End p.o.v.

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