Chapter 2

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I walk into the Grizzly cabin after doong the obstacle course.

One question. Is everything here poisoned or run-down?

On second thought, don't answer that.

I saw Xander's guitar strapped onto his shoulder.

"Nice guitar man!" I complement.

Xander smiles even brighter when Griff seconds it.

"Yeah. I really love Gabby." Xander said.

Ravi lets out a small laugh.

"I cannot beleive that you named your guitar."

"You named your calculator." Xander argued.

Ravi slammed his book down.

"You leave Clara out of this." Ravi demanded.

I look at a book and take it to read on my side of the cabin.

Once Ravi sees it, he jumps over to me. Considering he can't actually jump.

"That is mine!" He shouts and pets it, takkng it over to his side of the cabin.

I give him an apologetic look.

Griff starts messing around with his pimples and Jorge's hairbrush.

Once I see the look on Jorge's face, I burst out laughing. I will never forget that!

I change from my kickball clothes to a pair of white ripped skinny jeans, a silver metallic muscle tee, a pair of white converses without the patch, and bracelets reaching up to my shoulders.

I pulled my hair into a messy low bun and went to the mess hall for dinner.

Griff and I laughed the whole time with our friends. It was awesome! I was doing Spongebob Squarepants impressions.

"I'll get someone with a JOB to do it! Ya know why? Because when I need a JOB done, I get someone with a JOB to DO that JOB!" I yell.

Ghen I gesture to Griff, who was sipposed to do Squiward.

"What are you saying?" Griff imatates.

Everyone laughs at that part, because Squidward, being the big bimbo he is, he doesn't know why Spongebob was yelling at him for the first time ever.

Griff and I hung out in arts and crafts making birdhouses instead of liscence plates like we did in jail, before racing each other back to Grizzly cabin.

I sit on Griff's bed with him, his arm around my shoulders. I nlushed a bit before relaxing and looking at everyone else and fidgeting with my bracelets.

"Hey, Harper, Griff? Why was my guitar pick on Griff's bed and one of my un-used strings on Harper's?" Xander asks us, eyeing us suspiciously.

"Sorry, man. I borrowed that after we went zip-lining, to get the bugs out of my teeth." Griff explained.

I smiled at Griff's goofiness.

"Yeah, and I was trying to play a few bits of a song that a friend from New Tork City taught me, but a string broke as I tried to pick it up. I took some of your strings to fix it, and put it back under your bed." J explained to Xander.

"You know, the last time I saw my guitar, this pick was wedged in the strings. You both were in here when we were gone." Xander says.

Ravi and Jorge walk up behind Xander.

"Aha! So they did take the guitar!" Ravi shouted.

"I say we strip search them!" Jorge says.

"Dude, where exactly do you think we're stashing it?" Griff and I say calmly, gesturing to our thin bodies from no food.

Xander rolls his eyes.

"I'm very dissapointed in you both. I flipped a lot of burgers to buy Gabby, and that took a long time, because most of them ended up on the floor." Xander said, his voice about to crack.

"Xander, we did not take the guitar." I tell him calmly.

Xander sighs. "Look, I want to beleive you. But camp tradition dictates that we have to do a trial by fire." Xander says.

I take a step back.

"You're going to burn us?!" We shout.

"No! We're going to just have a little trial, by the campfire." Xander explains.

I let out a huge sigh of releif and Grifd hugs me. I hesitated, but hugged back tightly.

"We really should change that name." Ravi suggests.

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