Chapter Eleven: Autumn Leaf

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Hello everyone! Sorry it has been so terribly long. I haven't had time to write and now I just had a yearning for Jokes and the Babes lol. This is chapter 11..tell me what you think and I will go ahead and write the next one teehee!

I awoke to a bright room and was immediately unaware of my surroundings. I jumped up quickly and smacked my head on something cold and hard. I cursed as the headboard of the bed echoed my injury.

I stood and gathered my balance, walking over to the furthest window and looking out. I noticed an aching pain between my legs but ignored it by occupying myself with the outside world. I had never been to this side of the city before.

The street was cobblestoned and cherry blossoms that were now bare were contained by tiny wrought iron fences. They reminded me of being in the asylum: having limited room to grow thanks to Blue. Wait My mind said. "I remember that." I said out loud.

"Remember what, Babydoll?" I jumped, thankful that I didn't hit my head again. Madame Gorski was holding a tray with the door a bit ajar. "I-I'm just a little confused." I said. She set the tray down on a clear desk and furrowed her brow.

"Here, sit down and I'll help you." she said, offering me the bed. I sat down as she took a seat in a pink armchair. She leaned forward and rested her elbow on her knees. "Baby, do you remember anything from last night?" she asked. I dropped my eyes and shook my head.

"Well, what do you remember?" she asked. "Well I remember the Joker. But that's silly, what would he have to do with me?" I mused; more to myself. "Baby, you ran away from the Joker. You told me the whole story last night...let me check the side effects again and see if memory loss is common." she said standing. "The side effects of what?" I asked, my mental processing time moving slower than a turtle traveling uphill in peanut butter. "The medication I gave you for the pain." she answered, fingering a bag on the dresser across the room. She withdrew a pill bottle.

"Why would I be in pain?" I asked, fear filling my body. She turned to me, pulling off her glasses. "Baby-Marie-you were-well-"She walked over and sat down next to me. She grabbed my shoulders, pain collecting in her eyes.

"You were raped."

Those three little words hung in the air. The room suddenly felt like the walls were giant air sacks and I was right smack in between them. My breath became shallow as she stood quickly.

"Oh God!" I said, practically screaming. "Why don't I remember that!?" I bellowed, clasping my hands around my head and digging my nails into my scalp. "Why not!?" I demanded once more. She turned to face me.

"Baby, please calm down." she begged, her left hand behind her back. I pushed my back against the bed, my reasoning not thinking of any other way to avoid whatever she was holding.

"No!" I screamed, finally finding my limbs.

I darted off of the bed to the door. "You pumped me full of drugs before and I forgot. I won't forget anymore!" I screamed, pulling open the door. I ran down the hallway, my feet sliding on the polished wood floor. I slipped at the top of the stairs and went tumbling down, pain radiating from my neck and back, but instead of slapping against the next step as I expected, I hit a warm barrier.

This barrier smelled familiar, like cologne and faint traces of cigarettes. I looked up and screamed. It was the Joker. I tried to squirm away but his grip was strong...but not threatening.

"Marie, calm down!" The room became silent. It was the first time he had ever used my name.

My breathing slowed as his grip on my shoulders loosened. "Vera, help me get her up the stairs." he said, letting go of me. Instantly I felt cold and vulnerable. They helped me to the bed where Madame Gorski placed me in bed gently.The Joker stood quietly by the door as she tucked me in.

As soon as I was snugly in bed, he came in and sat in the chair that Madame Gorski occupied earlier. He looked at me with pained eyes. "I hope you know this little stunt you pulled has halted ALL of our plans." he snapped. I drew back a little bit, dropping my eyes.

"Now, do you care to tell me why the hell you were flipping shit!?" he demanded, his eyes hardening. I glanced around, my eyes meeting the girl in the mirror that lay across the room.

My eye was blackened, bruises covering my wrists. As soon as I met my eyes, I instantly remembered the terror from last night. "I was raped." I said, almost inaudibly. I watched his reflection, his eyes showing confusion. "What?" he asked. I watched his scars twitch as he raised his fist to his lips, thinking. He really was beautiful. I turned to face him, catching Madame Gorski's eye on the way to his.

"I was raped." My voice was raspier this time and I was taken aback by the different sound. "Who did it?" He kept his eyes to the floor. I hesitated, remembering his face.

"Goddammit! Who the hell was it!?" He was on his feet, his hands squeezing my frail shoulders. His eyes were hard, but softened at the sight of the bruises on my wrist.

"B-Blue." I answered, tears overflowing my eyes.

He let go immediately and I fell back against the headboard. That one word was all he needed. He stormed out of the room, his trench coat billowing behind him. The last I heard was the slamming of the door and the glass in the window shaking like a leaf in the strong autumn me.

 Wow that was...really good. What do you think the Joker will do next!? Commenta and vote! 

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