Chapter 4

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Ravi walks us to the campfire where the trial would be held.

I left a red trail in my path.

Ravi sat at one bench, Xander at the other. Hazel sat at one end of a picnic table while Lou sat at the other end. People filled the picnic tables behind them.

"You both stand accused of stealing Xander's guitar which you obviously did. Do you have anything to say in your defense?" Hazel says.

Griff was the first to speak up.

"What's the point?" He asks.

"You all think we're guilty anyways." I finish for him.

"Griff, Harper, if you two don't defend yourselves, we have no choice but to-." Lou was cut off by Ravi.

"Wait!" He shouted jumping up from the bench.

"Distinguished judges, counselors, Hazel's rat, I know Griff and Harper have checkered pasts. In fact, they have long histories of stealing. Including watches, a skateboard, and even a motorcycle, which they weren't legally liscenced to operate!" Ravi continued until I turned him around.

"Dude, what are you doing?" Griff asks him.

"Defending you two." Ravi answers.

"Nah dip, Sherlock! You aren't doing it very well!" I hissed and facepalmed.

"You're worse than our last defenders! And he came with a bus bench!" Griff said.

"He was advertising on a bus bench?" Ravi asks.

"No! He was sleepong on it! I got the same one!" I yelled.

I sigh and look for something to hit myself over the head with.

Ravi turns around and continues to try to defend us. I zone out of what he says at first until he puts a hand on our shoulders.

"My point is, Harper and Griff came to Camp Kikiwaka hoping for a fresh start." Ravi explained. "More than anything, they just wanted to be part of the family. And they were starting to find that here with us. I do not beleive they would do anything to jeopardize that. They did not steal Xander's guitar."

I gave a small smile.

"Thanks, Ravi." I say to Ravi.

"Nobody's ever stuck up for me like that before." Griff adds.

"Who cares?! They're guilty! Throw them to the hole with the Lou and the snakes!" Hazel said, banging the hammer on the stone.

"Hold on." Xander said getting up. "If you guys didn't take my guitar, then who did?" Xander asks.

"Wait! Don't cook those campers!" Emma yells from the front of Woodchuck cabin.

Emma, Tiffany, Zuri, and Jorge run up to us.

"We're not! It's just a BBQ for afterwards!" Xander yells to his girlfriend.

"I told the girls about Xander's missing guitar, and they found it!" Jorge said.

"It was under Hazel's bed!" Tiffant shouted.

I shot a glare to Hazel, who looked guilty.

"Okay, okay, I stole it! How dare you love Gabby more than you love me?!" Hazel yelled at Xander.

"I don't love you at all!" Xander shouts in her face.

"Body Pillow Xander does! And he doesn't care if I drool on him!" Hazel shouts.

I almost choked.

"Look, Griff, Harper, I'm really sorry I didn't beleive you two. You're good kids, and if you stay, I'd be honored to have you two as Grizzlies." Xander tells us.

I didn't get to answer before choking for air and evrything going black.

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