chapter five

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"Hoosiers is not only the best basketball movie ever, it is the best sports movie ever made."


Lydia, Jackson, and Olivia were currently sitting in the parking lot of a DVD store. The only reason Olivia was there was because she wanted to pick out a couple movies since she was sick of her current collection.

And of course, in the front seat Lydia and Jackson were arguing over what movie to watch.

"Its got Gene Hackman and Dennis Hopper."


"Why don't you guys watch Star Wars? It's a great movie."

Lydia turned around in her seat, glaring at her sister for putting her input. Sometimes you just don't bother Lydia.

"Lydia, I swear to god you're gonna like it." Jackson continued trying to convince her.


"I am not watching The Notebook again!" Jackson started raising his voice.

"Yeah, Lydia why don't you give it a try, it could be good."

Jackson raised his eyebrows, pointing to Olivia in the backseat.

"Listen to your sister!"

Lydia in return stared at Jackson.

"Can somebody help me find The Notebook?" Olivia snickered as Jackson was trying to find The Notebook


"Is anybody working here?"

"You gotta be kidding me." Jackson scoffed

Olivia stopped dead in her tracks, trembling as she stared at the sight in front of her.

Jackson noticed her fear, growing worried, "Oli? You alright?" Jackson made his way over only to stop once following her sight.

Jackson backed up, hitting a ladder making the lights go out. Olivia and Jackson turned around and Olivia almost pissed herself at the sight. There, lurking in the darkness of the store was the alpha (of course they didn't know that).

Jackson grabbed Olivia and held her behind a shelf. Olivia's breathe was rapid. "Olivia, Oli, you gotta calm down."

"I can't." she said hyperventilating.

"Yes you can, just take deep breathes." she tried what Jackson told her to do, which was slowly helping

Olivia jumped as a couple movies fell of their rack. All of a sudden, the movie racks began to topple over, creating a domino effect. Jackson quickly pushed Olivia out of the way, hoping she wouldn't get hurt. Only for them both to be crushed waist down under the rack.

Olivia whimpered as the alpha towered over Jackson. Before it turned around to leave, it stared at Olivia cocking it's head. Olivia started breathing heavily again as it stayed towering over her, it's red eyes upon her face. Her breathe calmed a bit as the creature trotted away and crashed out the window.

"Lydia!" She screamed as she heard her sister's screams from outside.


Currently, Olivia sat at the back of an ambulance, her gaze on the ground, refusing to answer any of the paramedics or police officers.

In the ambulance over Jackson was standing next to a sitting Lydia, clearly annoyed.

Sheriff Stilinski made his way over to Jackson and Lydia.

"Why can't I just go home? I'm fine."

"I hear ya, but the EMT says you hit you're head pretty hard and your friend over there isn't answering to anybody. They just want to make sure you don't have a concussion and that she's okay."

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