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"You know if we are just going to sit here awkwardly, I could go take a shower." I said after the silence had persisted for a while. Prince Regent was staring at me as if he couldn't believe I existed and Mich had his eyes closed, the cold bottle of beer was pressed against his forehead.

"No." Both of them spoke up. I grumpily fell back into the armchair and played with a loose thread.

"So, Fiera..." I hated hearing my name from him.

I replied with a tired "What?"

"I was watching you at training today a-"

"Not creepy at all." I mumbled.

"Fiera." Mich interjected.

"And you seem to be having some problem with self-defense." He continued unperturbed. "If you want, I could teach you a little."

"No." I replied curtly. "I appreciate the offer, Prince Regent, but Mich can teach me himself or I can ask for help from one of my friends."

Mich grimaced at my rejection and the Prince let out another sigh. "Don't call me Prince Regent."

"Don't call me your sister." I retorted.

"My name is Wafi, Fiera. Please call me that. I hate the title."

"Would Regent make you happier?" I yawned boredly.

"Fiera, please." I looked away from the loose thread to see that he had a desperate expression on his face. "You're the only family I have left."

My heart melted a little at that. Was that his plan? I'll make him writhe a little more. "Didn't you call the Regent your uncle?"

He moved his hands in a helpless gesture. "He took me in after mom and dad disappeared. I'm indebted to him. He's a nice man, no wife or kids so he considers me his own son."

I nodded slowly. It was time to end this charade. Sitting up straight, I steepled my fingers before speaking. "Listen, I still don't think you're my brother and making polite conversation here while Mich has an aneurysm isn't going to make me think you are one." Mich grunted tiredly. Too tired to say my name again. "And you clearly seem convinced I'm your sister. Forget about me. Go back to your palace or penthouse or wherever you live and sleep on it, you're delusional."

Wafi groaned and hid his face behind his hands. "I am not delusional. You are my sister!"

"Here we go again..." Mich mumbled.

I stood up, letting my anger show. "Okay, you know what? I am tired and I am sweaty. I want to relax, watch some TV and sleep in for the weekend. So, I'm going up and I hope you are getting out because I am not taking another second of this goddamn bullshit."

Mich looked up blearily but he didn't seem like he could gather up the energy for controlling me. Wafi stood up and angrily grabbed my arm as I passed him. I hissed impatiently as I twisted. My fist flew up to meet his face. But he easily caught it,he staring me in the eye.

"Fiera," he hissed. I could hear the desperation and urgency in his voice. "I am your brother. I can prove it. Just tell me what I have to do."

"Get out of my house." I hissed back, tugging my arms out of his grasp. "I don't want anything else to do with royalty or you."

Grabbing my bag from the dining room, I ran upstairs, all the while aware of Wafi's eyes on me. I slammed my door close and threw my bag to the side, falling onto the bed. This has been a horrible day. All I want to do is go to sleep and pretend this never happened.

There was a knock on the door after a while. "Fiera, it's me." Mich's voice was muffled by the door. "Can you open the door?"

"It's unlocked." I called out with a sigh, sitting up.

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