twenty-nine → odds are that i'm angry

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( odds are that i'm angry )

WHEN PIETRO STEPPED TOWARDS his sister, Aline awkwardly stepped away from Wanda and headed over to Steve. Sure, her and Wanda were soulmates but they were on this weird level right now, so she didn't know where they stood. Aline cleared her throat and nodded her head towards him. "This train's out of control," she said and looks towards the train operator. A large hole was in the wall to reveal to damaged controls and the dead man. "What are we gonna do?"

Steve paused for barely a moment. "We stop it," he said then looked to the twins. "Civilians in our path." Pietro quickly nodded and dashed out of the train. "Can you two stop this thing?"

"Hell yeah," Aline smirked. She turned to Wanda. "Ready to save some live?"

"Yeah," Wanda said, giving her a nervous nod. The Sokovian took a few steps back and nodded to herself, before throwing her hands down. A pained expression crossed her face immediately as the mystical red energy wrapped around the train wheels.

Aline shook her hands and exhaled. "Here we go." She steadied herself and raised her hands. "Lem duree mohana. Lem duree mohana. Lem duree mohana." She could feel the train shake as it crashed into something, but she continued to chant. The tribrid had moved things with her magic before, but they'd never been as large and powerful as a train. At times, she could feel the wheels trying to reject Aline and Wanda's magic, wanting to continue spinning again and again. The strain was starting to eat away at her limbs, and there was this tingling sensation forming in her fingers and spreading up her hands and arms. When she started to feel the train coming to a slow, Aline's chants start to slow down to the point where her words actually making sense and not some garbled mess.

The moment the train came to a complete stop, Aline felt her knees weak and collapse into the closest thing to her, which just happened to be Wanda. The Sokovian rushed to Aline's aid, and Aline's hands tightly gripped Wanda's upper arms as she tried to steady herself. Despite their weird stance, Aline gladly welcomed Wanda's touch and rested her head against her collarbone. The tribrid let out a long breath and she tilted her head up to look at Wanda.

Wanda's eyes nearly widened at seeing the thick stream of blood pour from Aline's nose. "I'm fine," Aline brushed off, struggling to stand. She gripped hard onto one of the nearby seats. "You should find your brother. He probably needs your help more than me."

She didn't let Wanda say anything as she pushed herself away from the girl, instantly walking slowly out of the train and towards Steve. "You tired?" Steve asked, a concerned look in his eyes.

"Nothing I can't handle," Aline sighed and wiped the blood away with the back of her hand. "Trust me, this is... this is nothing." She let out a breath.

"I'm fine," they heard Pietro pant. He was sitting on a large box, hunched over with his sister close beside him. "I just need to take a minute."

"I'm very tempted not to give you one," Steve said harshly as him and Aline walked to the twins.

The brunette twin stepped away from Pietro, hands falling to her side. "The Cradle," Wanda said, "did you get it?"

"Stark will take care of it," Steve said.

Wanda shook her head, her face falling. "No, he won't."

"You don't know what you're talking about, Stark's not crazy."

"He will do anything to make things right."

Aline and Steve said nothing, instead looking at one another. If they knew Tony (which they most certainly do), then they'd know that what Wanda said was true. Steve pressed down on his comm. "Stark, come in." Silence. "Stark. Anyone on comms?"

Wanda spoke up. "Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that?"


"It'll be a few hours until we get there," Aline said, flipping a switch to turn off a light. She rolled her shoulders and shook her hands; they were still tingling from earlier. She knew that she really had to get out of her sweat-stained suit, but she was too tired to do anything. "You might want to get some sleep. See, your brother's already taking my advice."

Wanda turned her head to see that Pietro had indeed fallen asleep, his chin resting on his chest and his silver blond hair covering his face. She smiled at him, then looked back to Aline. "I'll be fine," she said and adjusted herself in her seat. "Why don't you and the captain get some sleep? I can wake you if something happens."

"I'm fine, thanks," Aline said and walked over to sit across from Wanda. Their seats were close enough where Aline could put her feet up on the chair next to Wanda. She leaned her head back and exhaled. A small headache was starting to blossom in the back of her skull.

"How are you?" Wanda asked gently.

Aline looked back at her, her eyes connecting with soft green ones. "Is... that supposed to be rhetorical or... ?"

"You don't have to lie to me," Wanda said. "I can... practically feel your uneasiness."

"So, what, are you reading my mind now?" Aline asked. She crossed her arms over her chest and raised a brow.

"It's not so much mind reading," Wanda shrugged. "It's more that you're an easy person to read, even without powers."

The tribrid shrugged. "I've always been an easy person to read," Aline said, "especially when I'm angry. Although, there are several reasons for that." She smirked at her own jest; while she loved being part werewolf (technically, a tribrid so she wasn't chained to the moon like the others), she hated the aggression that came with it. Werewolves just tended to be easier to upset, and she had never figured it out why. It was a genetic thing, she supposed. It would definitely explain why Maggie hated her so much to the point where her older sister literally speared her in the back. Yeah, it wasn't a good time. "People can just tell when I'm angry by looking at my hands. For example, if I'm holding a gun, odds are that I'm angry."

Her head snapped up when she heard a gentle laugh and when she looked, she saw it was Wanda. The Sokovian's hand was covering her mouth to murmur her quiet laughing and her nose crinkled in an adorably cute way that made Aline's heart swoon. She instantly turned her head, feeling her face grow hot and she fisted her jeans.

Steve looked up from the pilot's seat, staring into the rear view mirror. He watched with a grin as Wanda and Aline spoke, the former chuckling every so often as Aline made another random or strange comment (which she did a lot).

When Aline had first informed Steve of her first soulmate, a lovely girl named Madelaine, he could feel his heart wrench in his chest. They both had lost women they loved so dearly and wholeheartedly that it was completely unfair; what had they done to deserve such a fate? But as he watched the two brunettes in the back, he smiled.

Did Aline deserve losing Madelaine? Hell no. Did she deserve being happy with someone like Wanda? Steve thought so.

A/N: all i'm really imaging is steve
in a cute little captain outfit sailing
his ship ((the SS Alinda))

also i've changed the covers
of all my books for like the
100000000000000 time

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