Chapter 15

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3rd Person POV

The Slender-Brothers discuss Maka's offer of a truce. They think it would be best to be on good terms with the daughter of their lord. (A/N Pleasez. They aren't's something else) they all walked down stairs to find Slender's proxies, Masky and Hoodie, on the ground unconscious while holding their heads. Maka was on the couch peacefully petting a demon she had summoned. Maka detected 4 presences whomed belonged to Slender, Trender, Offender, and Splendor. She stood up, after setting down the demon, and walked up to them.

"Have you decided?" She asked.

Slender nodded. "We'll accept your offer. But, if any of my children are injured by you or Zalgo, I swear I'll torture you and everyone you love painfully. Do I make myself clear."

In return Maka accepted and vanished.

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