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I can feel her fear and shock pulsing through my veins, but I cannot find her anywhere and my wolf threatens to escape.

"Daddy?" My adopted-son asks, peering into my study with his stuffed wolf clutched in his grip. Maddeline had handmade that for him.

I stop pacing my office and turn to him, getting down on one knee and calling him into my arms. He wraps his small arms around my neck and I rub his back.

"Where's Mummy?" He whispers.

My breath hitches, "I don't know buddy, but I'll find her."

As I say that I hear the front door bang open and her scent hits my nose. I stand up quickly and rush down the stairs.

"Madds?!" I yell as she runs towards me. I refused to call her 'Maddy', the first time I'd done it she'd had a full-blown panic attack because it reminded her too much of Delton.

She flings her arms around my neck and sobs loudly, I embraced her and held her tightly. I was slightly surprised by her actions, she hadn't cried in years after I took her from Delton. I pulled back a bit and inspected her blood-stained hands, I sniffed it. It might smell similar to hers, but I knew it was her daughter's.

"What happened?" I whisper to her.

She choking on her sobs and breathing heavily, clutching at my sleeves and trying to get an explanation out.

"Alpha!" I look up at the sound of my Delta, Chelsea's voice. "Hunters have been located on the premises!" She darts away, her blonde hair flying.

I growl and give Maddeline a kiss on the forehead, not touching her face at all but keeping my hands on her shoulders before bolting out to door of the pack house and bursting into my grey wolf form.

Jadzia may not be my daughter, but she was still my mate's. Maddeline had been depressed for so many years, always thinking about Jadzia. And now that her youngest daughter was here, she was finally happy and laughing like I'd never seen her laugh before.

I thunder down the forest path, jumping logs and frightening birds. I start picking up speed, I can see the blur of a few of my best pack members running along side me, but I pay no attention. I skid to a stop when I jump out into a meadow. Snarling when I catch a whiff of silver, and Jadzia's blood. There's a patch of crimson amidst the green grass, conjoined with tracks of blood showing that she was dragged away.

I snarl and raise my head in a howl. My pack members join and I ran in the direction of her scent.

The Children Of Maddeline Where stories live. Discover now