No Beacon Hills Wolves In The Compound (With Theo Raeken)

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"Will you shut up they have like super hearing." You whispered to Theo who smirked.

"Yeah but so do I." He didn't even bother to lower his voice and you scowled at him.

You'd managed to make it through the courtyard and to your bedroom when footsteps alerted you to someone lurching around the compound. You shoved Theo into your room, or rather pushed until he got fed up and moved, slamming the door just in time for Klaus to lean against the wall and give you a knowing look.

"You know I heard something rather odd in the Quarter today." Klaus hummed.

"Oh really?" You flinched when your nerves rang clear through your voice.

"It would seem that some witches thought they saw you with a wolf from Beacon Hills and that can't be right can it?" Klaus' tone told you there was no way of getting out of whatever he'd decided to punish you with but you couldn't help but try.

"No it couldn't?" Your hand twitched towards the door as he stayed silent for a moment.

"Naturally I decided to come home and check that my little pup is where I left her." Klaus smiled but the deadly kind where you couldn't tell if you were dinner or a friend.

"Well here I am, I should get back to... studying the stuff Elijah told me to study." You grinned sheepishly and waited for him to leave but he simply raised an eyebrow.

"What is the one rule in this house?" He asked eventually.

"No White Ash stakes?" You asked hopefully.

"I am going to investigate the source of the scent that is flowing through our home and if I find you are hiding someone you'll spend the week in the woods with Jackson." Klaus snapped and vanished.

"Told you he'd leave." Theo hummed when you finally relaxed and let him kiss his way down your neck.

You fell back onto the bed, matching the roughness of his kisses as he groaned into you and began trailing kisses down your jaw. The next thing either of you knew Theo had been thrown clear across the room and you'd been yanked behind Hayley and Rebekah.

"You have one chance to explain to me why there an arrogant beast is in my house." Klaus growled out, glaring at Theo when he tried to make a B-line for the door.

"Probably because you live here." Theo said with a smirk.

"Theo!" You hissed at him when Klaus bristled and took a step towards him.

"If you come back here you'll find yourself on the receiving end of my toxic teeth." Klaus snapped.

"I'm pretty sure mine are more toxic but you're the boss." Theo winked as he climbed out of the window.

"I know, to Jacksons." You sighed and grabbed the bag that you still hadn't unpacked.

"You know if you'd just stay in one pack Klaus couldn't send me away, to the forest." You huffed at Hayley.

"If you wanted to stay at the Compound you should have followed his rules." Hayley reminded you.

You hurried over to the small Yurt that Klaus had 'gifted' the wolves when you complained about your time with them. Warm arms wrapped around you and Theo nuzzled into your neck, nipping at your jawline.

"Every time he sends you out here we just spend your time together." Theo chuckled.

"You really should stop making him angry." You chided as he flumped on the extravagant driftwood bed that sat next to the Yurt's fire.

"I could but it's fun to watch you get all panicky." He made grabby hands until you crawled up to him, letting him hoist you up until you were wrapped around him and tucked under his chin. "Besides once I'm done messing with McCall I'm moving up here so he'll have to get used to me."

"You silly thing." You giggled.

"Let's just hope he doesn't figure out that we're mates, that would be hard to explain." He grinned when you rolled your eyes and kissed the end of your nose. "You make me far to friendly."

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