The Youngest Mikaelson

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The trouble with being the youngest Mikaelson meant that you weren't allowed to keep secrets. Not that your older sibling's insistence, to tell them everything actually worked, your current rebellion was in play as you climbed from your bedroom, and dropped down onto the floor.

In a few seconds you were on the outskirts of New Orleans, a familiar presence skulking around in the shadows. When strong arms wrapped around your waist you smiled and lent your head against your boyfriend's shoulder. Had Klaus or Elijah known about you having a boyfriend they would surely kill him, Klaus more so than Elijah who would probably attempt to address the 'issue' in a way that would protect you.

Rebekah jumped when Klaus threw something around upstairs, the peaceful evening destroyed by his temper, it wasn't until he and Elijah began shouting that she decided to see what was going on.

"I don't care what you think Elijah, she refuses to tell us where she goes so I sent someone to follow her." Klaus all but screamed at his brother who was stood, Stoney faced, inches from him.

"What's wrong you guys are so loud." Hayley complained as she joined the three vampires on the landing.

"It's nothing, no doubt my sister's secrets are troubling Klaus again." Rebekah snapped as she crossed her arms.

"All I ask is to know what she's doing so I can keep her safe, you think Marcel wouldn't jump at the chance to take her hostage." Klaus snapped.

"Well perhaps if you stopped offending people she wouldn't be in danger." Elijah muttered. Hayley frowned and glanced at each Mikaelson before putting a hand up to stop the argument that was building.

"She didn't tell you she was meeting her boyfriend?" Hayley instantly regretted speaking when Elijah, of all people, let loose a low snarl.

"She told me she wouldn't see him if I didn't tell Klaus about him." Elijah's response created a volatile reaction from Klaus, who stopped himself when they all heard the front door open slowly.

Before anyone could react Klaus was down the stairs with you pinned against the wall, his grip loose enough to simply scare you. You kicked out at your brother who chose to ignore your attempt to free yourself as he tried to keep himself relatively calm.

"We tell you not to leave without someone, you agreed to the rule, so why would you run off with some boy." He spat. Your eyes widened when something caught his scenes and he sniffed the air around you.

"Klaus let go of her, she's my sister to and I will not let you ruin her relationships like you do with mine." Rebekah had gripped Klaus by the shoulders, catching him off guard, as she slammed him into the large bolster at the end of the stairs. She turned to you giving you the chance to explain yourself.

"Klaus kills everyone one I like." Was all you said as you hurried past them and up to your room. Elijah attempted to follow you but you slammed the door in his face and slid your dresser in front of the door to stop them disturbing you.

Klaus and Elijah were sat in the living room, both reading, an eerie silence had fallen over them as they pretended to play at being civil. You were about to walk past them when Klaus coughed and held out a plastic baggie off blood, you narrowed your eyes and cautiously approached him, making sure you could flee at any second if needed.

"Little sister do you really think I would hurt you." He smiled when you took the baggie and balanced on the arm of the sofa, guzzling the blood and exposing just how hungry your two days of sulking had made you.

"You hurt our other siblings." You snap once you'd drained the bag. Elijah sighed and slide a medical box across the floor which met your feet, they were used to your stubborn sulking, as Klaus' favourite you'd developed the habit early on. Starving yourself until he caved in an attempt to lure you out to feed.

"Yes but I'd never dare put my little (Y/N) in a box... now, your werewolf boyfriend called." Klaus smiled at you when you almost dropped the bag in your hand and eyed him nervously as he held up your mobile.

"He hopes you're ok kitten." Klaus smirked when you squeaked with embarrassment, at least he seemed the be letting him live.

"Yes and he wishes for us to understand his intentions for you are pure." Elijah chuckled from his seat across the room. You pouted stroppily as Rebekah giggled and wrapped her arms around your shoulders and kissed your cheek.

"Our brothers have allowed him to live, you should thank Hayley for that, she's met the werewolf a few times before hand." Rebekah smiled and grabbed on of the baggies before slumping on the sofa next to Klaus with an elegant thump.

"You know he's a werewolf?" You asked quietly.

"Yes little sister we found out your fuzzy little secret and we're fine with it." Klaus froze as he rethought what he'd just said and all four of you began laughing. You hugged Klaus quickly as a silent thank you for remaining calm and took your phone from his hand as you skipped from the room.

"It's a full moon tonight, home before dark." Elijah yelled as you left the house.

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