Leone X Male!Reader (Akame Ga Kill) Lemon

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Warning: This story contains Course Language, Sexuality, and Mature Subject Matter. Viewer Discretion is advised.

I walked alone down in the Capital, looking around to see any interesting thing that's happening. Unfortunately, there wasn't though. I everywhere I went, it was always the same as usual, nothing interesting. I got bored and decided to sit down on a lone bench at a park, I started whistling when I sat down as people walked passed me. I didn't have anything else to do after I did that last mission I did with Leone last night...


We went out in the backyard of the mansion and waited behind a thick bush, looking at the mansion. We were supposed to kill a man named Finex, who had tried to kill our boss Najenda, but failed and had escaped to this mansion for safety. Not anymore.

Me and Leone looked at the large mansion, with guards that are swarming around the building.

"How many do you think there are?" I asked.

"There's two up on the balcony, three near the doors, and one looking out the second floor window on the right."

I looked at the right side of the mansion and saw a man watching the ground, smoking. "So that makes it six, how should we do it?" "Easy, we kill anyone who stands in our way." Leone said quietly. "Alright. Let's do this quick."

We quickly went out as Leone taken out her imperial arms and started slashing the three guys at the door. I took out my bow and arrow and shot the man at the window and two on the balcony as I ran to Leone. We quickly entered the mansion and got to the stairwell, but saw three more guys getting ready to attack us. "You go, I'll hold them off here." I told Leone with a wink. "Don't die." She nods and leaves upstairs as I looked at the three thugs.

One went straight towards me as I take out my sword and slash the guy's stomach, while the other two come at me from both sides. I stab one guy in the chest and other I dodge and shoot my bow at the guy's head. I quickly get up and went upstairs to help Leone get Finex, but once I got to the room where she was in, he was holding Leone at sword point.

"Get out of the way, and the girl will be saved." Finex demanded. I glared at him for holding Leone as a hostage.

"Drop your weapons and take steps away from the door. Or else she dies." "(Y/N), don't do it! If you do, he'll kill you instantly!" Leone shouted as I was trying to thinking of a way to save her.

"You got 5, 4..." "Ok! I got it, I'll drop it!" I said quickly as I drop my bow and sword. "3, 2..." Finex continued. "What the hell?! I don't have anything, I swear!" I looked at Leone and as she looks at me in fear, realizing she has to do something in order to get out of the situation. "1..." Finex said slowly.

"Zero." I said as I grabbed an arrow from my back and throws it to Leone, which she catches it and stabs it on Finex's arm. He yells in pain and lets go of Leone as I grab my sword and throw it towards Finex. It stabs him on the left side of the chest and Finex looks at me and Leone as he falls on his back hard. I walked over to Leone and looked at her for a sec.

"You OK?" I asked calmly. She nods silently as she wraps her arms around my waist, as I did the same to her. She started to cry a little and nuzzled into my chest like a wounded puppy.

"Shhh, hey it's fine now. It's all done now..." I calmed her down as she cried more. "Shhh... Don't cry, don't cry. I'm here for you." She squeezed my waist hard as possible.

I rubbed her back as she released her arms to her sides and looked at me in the eye. "I-I got scared, (Y/N)... For the first time..." Leone whispered. "It's fine, I got scared too. Come on... Let's get out of here." I sighed slightly as I held Leone's hand for comfort out of the mansion, back to our base.

Flashback End

I laid down on the bench and closed my eyes, thinking of what happened to Leone. If I hadn't thought fast enough, I could've gotten her kidnapped. Or worse, killed... I didn't want to face the fact that I was too careless to leave Leone on her own to catch Finex. It was my fault. She nearly got killed because of me, I took a deep breath and exhaled.

Then I heard someone call my name close to me. When I opened my eyes, I immediately saw Leone's chest up-close to my face, making me blush furiously. I quickly try to wake up, but instead I smash my face into her cleavage, making Leone moan a little. I quickly sat up with a red-burning face and looked at Leone who was also blushing furiously.

"I-I-I'm sorry!!! I d-didn't mean to put my face in y-your-" "It's fine, actually. I was just curious if you wanted to..." Leone stopped for a moment. "If I w-what?" I asked. Then she pulled me into a deep kiss, melting into my lips first hand. I widen my eyes as I realize that I was kissing the girl that I love for the first time, I quickly melt into the kiss as well and closed my eyes in affection, wrapping my arms around her waist as Leone did the same.

We both parted way for air and smiled at least to each other. "So. You wanna do more than just a kiss, (Y/N)?" Leone asked seductively. I stood there confused of what she's trying to tell me.

"What do you mean, more than just a kiss?" I tilt my head a bit, not getting of what she means. "Here, let's go to your house and I'll show you what I mean. It's going to be special just for you..." She grabs my wrist and pulls me, forcing me to run as we go to my house for 'this' special.

When we got to the house, she immediately then pushes me into the bedroom and pushes me further more onto the bed. I lay there realizing what's happening, Leone starts to take my pants and shirt off, leaving only in my underwear. She starts to rub my erected member slowly as I start to moan in pleasure. "Someone's enjoying this." Leone said smirking. She starts to rub faster as I was about to release, but she then stops and starts to take her clothes off.

Now completely naked, she got rid of my underwear and positioned herself over top of my erected member.

She looks at me as if she was asking for permission, I nod and held her hips gently as she slowly goes in.

She moans loudly and starts to pump in the action. Both of us moaned in pleasure as Leone leaned forward and kissed me passionately, putting her tongue in my mouth. We both fought for dominance, but I lost to her as she explored every corner of my cavern, still pumping furiously. Few minutes later, I started to feel her walls tightened around me. "Leone, I-I think I'm gonna-" Leone moaned loud as ever as I spilled hot seed in her, reaching up to the climax.

She leaned forward to the side nuzzled her head into my chest as I covered ourselves within the bed sheets. We both panted for breath, closing into sleep. I looked at Leone, who was already half-asleep, putting hand on her cheek.

"I love you, Leone."

She says nothing as she sleeps on my arm, smiling. We both sleep into the silent night.

Hiya guys! I hope you enjoyed that story. This is my first lemon so if it was bad, then... sorry! ;)

But anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed it and I will keep writing new stories in the future. As always, my name is Taxedo, and so long and goodbye!!!

"I never go back on my word." - Uzumaki Naruto

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