Another Tag!

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Thanks LoveDreamyRaina for tagging me!

1.What's a nickname only your family calls you?
Leah Beah Onomatopoeia or Lafayette

2. What's a weird habit of yours?
("Everything" -my sister)
Idk I tend to randomly insert French phrases into my sentences. Annoys the heck out of mes parents. XD mdr

3. Do you have any weird phobias?
I'm scared of talking on the phone.

4. What's a song that you secretly LOVE to blast and belt out when you're alone?

5. What's one of your biggest pet peeves?
Trump Supporters. Sorry if any of you are...

6.What's one of your nervous habits?
("Avoiding them altogether, withdrawing, isolating" -my mom)

I guess I can't really disagree. We'll go with that.

7. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
The wrong one.
XD Idk actually I have a loft bed, which is basically a bunk bed with no bottom bunk, but I sleep on the bottom on a little mattress so I can use the top as like a couch or something.

8. What was your first stuffed animal and its name?
My first stuffed animal was a giraffe squeaky toy, but his head fell off almost immediately. That didn't mean I threw him out though. If you blow into the neck, it still makes a squeaking noise, which changes pitch from however hard you blow (yes I realise how wrong this sounds). So the giraffe was my first instrument as well as my first stuffed animal and I still have him. He didn't have a name though.

9. What's the drink you always order at Starbucks?
I've never gotten anything at Starbucks, but at home I make my own tea and espressos.

10. What's the beauty rule you preach, but never practice?
Ill be honest here, I have no idea what this means.

11. What weird/cool talents do you have?
I don't know... I'd say my skills lie in writing but that's up to you guys so I don't know. I guess I have perfect pitch. Doesn't help much though cuz I sing like a dying narwhal. Let's go with accents. I can do pretty good accents.

12. Do you have any weird body skills?
It's not really a skill but my arms overextend. Im also weirdly strong for a 90 pound 15 year old girl. I don't work out or anything but for some reason I'm good with lifting a ton of weight and doing planks and beating people up and stuff.

13. What's your favourite comfort food that's bad but you eat anyway?
My sister makes these raw cookie dough balls and I will eat like 20 at a time. XD

14. What's a phrase or exclamation you always say?
Honestly, I get half my vocabulary from YouTube so anything the sidemen or pack say repeatedly I unconsciously start saying.

15. Time to sleep! What are you ACTUALLY wearing?
I usually wear tiny black shorts, a baggy teeshirt or sports bra and knee high fuzzy socks. I've gotten in the habit recently of also wearing the cape from my sister's Anna costume from Frozen all the time because it makes me feel like King George III

I tag...


As well as everyone who has thus far won a game of WhoTuber, Finish The Quote or Direction.

You know who you are :D

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