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{ Rebecca }

"No, no it's totally fine." I laughed nervously as my back was in agonizing pain. "No, seriously are you okay?" He asked concerned. "Yeah yeah!" He smiled "I'm Romeo."

Oh god kill me,

Wait no I have a boyfriend!

"I-uh-I'm Rebecca!" I chuckled nervously. "Rebecca!" I heard Demi snap. "Oh, that's my sister I better get going." I rubbed the back of my neck. "Let me walk you." He suggested. I nodded and we talked and walked back to the room. I put the key card in and open the door "ho-ly fuck." I drop my phone as I see Demi and Mr. Razor having a full on make out session. Both of their faces turned red, "oh my god, you fucking my principal!?" I nearly yelled. "Be-"

"No! Don't even try to fight it! I found a used condom in your room, either it belongs to him or your cheating." I crossed my arms and Demi's face was a bright red and she was mad. "Fine it's his. But who is this!?" Demi fought back. "My boyfriend Romeo!" I yelled not realizing it. Immediately I looked at him and I collided our lips, he did not pull away he gladly kept kissing me. I pulled away "come on." I grabbed his arm and we ran out of the room. "Rebecca! Get back here!" Demi yelled.

We stood outside of a taco truck "sorry about that I really wanted to hurt Demi. I didn't mean to kiss you." His cheeks started to turn pink. "No no, it's totally okay. Your a really good kisser also." He chuckled. He was so confident it was such a turn on, hunter isn't as confident and they are both equally as hot. But I wanted to just jump on Romeo and kiss him until I couldn't breathe.

I saw an angry max come down the street, "oh fuck come on!" I laughed pulling his arm again. He started running next to me I looked at him and felt purse happiness oh my god. "REBECCA!" I heard an Australian accent yell. We arrived at the hotel and more of Demi's guards and Demi and Mr. Razor where in the lobby Demi looked like 3,000,000 dollars. "Shit, this way." We ran to the back of the building. I could hear Max and Matt now "here go in here!" I pushed open a metal door thing and Romeo went in and I went in after him. "Ahhh!" We both screamed as we fell straight down.

We finally hit something and it SMELLED HORRIBLE "EW OH MY GOD!" I screamed we were sitting on bags of trash. "Well, this is interesting." He laughed. I heard voices and then metal door open I pushed Romeo against the wall with my body and I waited for them to close. They closed it and I let out a heavy sigh I pulled off of his body and our faces were inches apart. Oh my god he bit his lip making my knees go weak. I couldn't take it and both of our heads met half way as we collided in for a kiss. It was aggressive but passionate, his hands roamed my body my hands tangled in his hair. "O-fuck!" I moaned rather loudly.

I could feel Romeos member growing against my thigh, I wanted him but not here, I don't even know the damn kid. His hands entered my waistband of my shorts. I was lost as his lips trailed down my neck, both of us breathing heavy, then I felt his finger rubbing me. I pulled away "w-wa-wait!" I panicked breathing heavy. The thoughts, my dad, his hands, oh my god "I-I-I'm sorry." He pants heavily against my neck sending goosebumps all over me. That just made me want him even more. Tears began to form "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to tease." I let out tears. I looked down at his member, "I mean it's okay we only just met but I can't leave until I fix this." He chuckles nervously.

I roll my eyes and start unbuckling his pants "no, Becca I can't do it-" he pants. "No I was a tease I have to." I began to let tears fall, my dad always said 'you gonna tease a guy you better finish him off.'

I only did this because my dad feared me, I could feels his hands all over me groping me, kissing me, pounding me,

Once he finished i ignored him "it was fun, I just need to go." I sobbed. There was a ladder and we climbed it and it left to the outside. I could feel people's eyes burning into me. My breathing picked up and I bolted inside the hotel "fuck fuck fuck." I didn't have a key, I need to get my dads hands off of me, I felt disgusting, I smelled disgusting I don't know what time it is or when Demi would be back I just needed her. I sat outside the door with my head hidden in my arms with my knees to my chest.

'Fucking whore!'
'Your only a toy'
'Demi doesn't love you'
'Your only a charity case'
'She didn't even try to fight you when you said you were going to texas'
'Just give up'
'Kill yourself'

"Becca!" I felt hands violently shake me. "NO PLEASE!" I yelled as I shot my head up. To me relief it was Demi, "baby, why-what-ew." Demi opened the door and I bolted in and ran to the bathroom slamming the door and turning on the shower. I ripped off my clothes "get off get off get off!" I mumbled scratching at my skin with the washcloth. I got out and pulled new clothes on. I opened the door and saw Demi in sweat pants and I looked and saw Marissa sitting in the chair playing on her phone.

"D-demi I need you." I said softly walking to the bed. "Come here." She said softly. The tears flowed out as she held me.

{ Demi }

I held my violently shaking sobbing sister I looked at Marissa who mouthed "what happened?" And I shrugged. I rubbed her back "hey, hey" I softly pushed her head onto my chest "follow my breathing." She softly nodded "Marissa they are serving dinner can you get us some?" I asked obviously hinting. "But it's so far-I mean yeah sure!" I rolled my eyes with a light chuckle. Rebecca had calmed down "Becca, what happened?" I asked, I re-positioned us, to were we are laying down and her head/ chest was on my stomach/ chest. I slowly rubbed her back in circles.

"I'm-im-so sorry Demi. I hate myself, I love you so much but I only hurt you, I can't go on tour with you because it wouldn't be fair to Madison she was your sister first and your 24 you shouldn't have to watch over a fucked up 15 year old. You need to enjoy yourself and have fun, also I don't want that, this will be the first summer where I'm not sleeping in a homeless shelter or having to find jobs or eat out of the trash and I want to have fun." Rebecca sobbed. My heart actually shattered into a million fucking pieces.

"You don't hurt me, and you have no reason to hate yourself your beautiful, so sweet, smart, talented, I understand the normal summer. If you want to that's fine, and you aren't fucked up ya hear? It's okay to be hurt we are sisters and we will fight and argue and we will get over it and move on, but I know there is something else bugging you." I kissed the top of her head rubbing soft circles on her back. "Thank you and I'm sorry Demi."

My heart just couldn't I couldn't this precious baby girl. "So? Why were you super gross and sobbing outside the door?" I felt her breathe in deep, "well max and Matt were chasing us and I found this door in the back of the hotel and we went down it and it was the trash chute. But we started making out and he wanted more, he slipped his hands in my pants and like- yeah whatever and i had a panic attack because I thought it was my dad, the demons came back, I could feel him groping me and other stuff." She said softly, oh my god "I'm so sorry Becca."

"It's okay, I'm still mad at you." She said pulling out of my grip. She sat on her knees and I sat up "what?! I thought we just made up?! We had a moment!"

"You and Mr. Razor!? Are you crazy Demi, he is a male model!" She crossed her arms and pulled out her phone. "So? What's wrong with that?" I scoffed "I just really don't want you to get hurt, he is only doing this principle thing until his dad comes back. Yes he went to college and shit but-"

"Rebecca, it's okay i mean I didn't know he was a male model or the just until his dad comes back. But I'm strong and I can take care of myself."


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