Chapter 3 - New Friend

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Ayla's P.O.V

I wake up feeling the sun's heat on my skin. I open my eyes seeing the tiny room. I only have a small closet, a small bed, a table that I use to do my drawing and a dresser in my room. I got out of bed, level it out and make my way to the bathroom to take a shower. Then I went to the closest and took out my waitress attire and put it on. I took up the one pair of sneakers that I had and put it on as well.

I didn't have much clothing. Only a wash out jeans(has being washed too many times), a tank top, a shorts, a t-shirt, a sweater, a blouse, a dress, a slipper and the sneakers. The only jewel I own is the necklace that my mother gave me just before she died. It is a silver necklace with a heart pendant and the words 'I will always be with you' written on it. I never took it off and I treasure it with all my heart.

I went to the kitchen and open the fridge. There's only 3 eggs, half of bread, and half a jug of milk left in the fridge. That's saying I need to buy grocery soon.

I scramble one of the eggs and eat it with two slices of bread and a glass of warm milk. I couldn't toast the bread because I don't have a toaster. I don't have much appliances. Only a fridge, and a stove. I only have a sofa and a small tv in the living room area and a small table in the dining room area.
All these things came with the apartment. The only things that belong to me are my clothes which I bought when I came here and my drawing books.

Art is my life. I love drawing. I put all my emotions and feelings in my drawing. I express myself through my artworks. I just wish I could share my latest pieces with my mom. She always loves seeing my drawings whenever we are not arguing.

I look at the time on my phone. It's 8:00am so I have to leave now if I don't want to be late for work.

I reach work just in time and thank God I didn't get an earful from Mrs Sullivan this morning. I put on my apron and started cleaning when Becca walked in.

She had on her waitress outfit, some flats and her arburn straight hair was made in a tight bun. She has grey eyes and she was around 5ft 7". Yes I was a little bit taller than her. She looks to be in her early 20's. She saw me and walked over to where I was.

"Good morning Ayla", she said with a bright smile on her face.

"Good morning Becca", I said smiling.

She looked at me with concern written all over her face "Are you ok? I was kind of worried about you".

I was surprised that she was worried about me and she don't even know me well. All we share is a working relationship.

"I'm fine Becca. I was just a little sad but i'm ok now. Thanks for worrying though. Means a lot", I said genuinely.

"Of course. Well that's good to know. I uh...was wondering if we could be friends?" She asked smiling.

Friends? Wow I have never had a friend in my entire life and this caring girl wants to be my friend. How can I say no? She cares about me when she doesn't even know me. That's the type of friend I need.

"Yes I would like that", I said with enthusiam.

Then she hugged me "awesome", she said grinning and I hug her back laughing.

"Becca come here one minute please", Mrs Sullivan shouted. God this woman can shout.

"Uh oh. I hope i'm not in trouble", Becca said looking worried.

"I'm positive you're not. She probably just want you to do something. So stop worrying", I said with a shrug.

"Yea maybe. I'll be right back". She said walking towards Mrs Sullivan's office.

Question: Do you think Ayla and Becca will become close friends?


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