Chapter 33

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"So, what do you think? Isn't the place wonderful? Miraculous? Marvelous?!" Hook says, gesturing around him at the beautiful island on the left side of the ship.  

Of course, soon we're about to be surrounded by it...thanks to the fact they're steering the ship into a small lagoon. I take in the tropical forest beyond the white-sanded beach. I've never been to a beach before...well, other than the harbor where I'd gotten captured. Anyway, the colors and size of everything is what really takes my breath away.  

The trees are about three times the normal size and have mangoes, bananas, and coconuts the size of large boulders. I get the feeling, if one were to fall on me, I'd be squashed like a mosquito. 

"Um...I have a small question for you, Captain." I say slowly as I take it all in. 

"What's that, dear?" he asks and I have to stop the chill that shoots down my spine - he almost sounded like the new Rumpelstiltskin. 

"Just," I clear my throat nervously, "why did you bring me here?" 

"Oh, that's simple!" he says, waving me off. "To feed you to the crocodile." 

My heart stops and I take an involuntary step back. That wasn't part of my plan - though, honestly, my plan was to distract him as much as I possibly can, make him and his men get off the ship for some reason, and then steal the Jolly Rodger so we'd be able to get home. Not to be eaten by some sort of animal! 

"Now, now...don't give me that look. It will be painless, plus it'll get him off my back for a while..." Hook says, looking like I'm the insane one. 

"You want to feed me to a crocodile?" I ask slowly, trying to find out if it's some kind of metaphor. 

"No." I breath a sigh of relief. "I'm going to feed you to the Crocodile. Why else would I bother to go visit the mainland to often just to speak to that crummy old Queen? Sure, she pretty, but outer beauty only goes so far. You, on the other hand, will do just nicely." 

Something in all that triggers a part of my brain. "Wait! What does that even mean?" 

"Mr. Smee!" he bellows. 

"Y-yes, Captain?" he scurries from the Captain's eating room.  

"Did you not tell our guest what she was intended for?" Hook's piercing blue eyes bore into Mr. Smee, practically cutting the man in half.  

I see the poor man cower in fear. "No, Captain, I thought that if we told her she wouldn't have eaten and the Crocodile would not be h-happy with you?"  

I start taking tiny steps backward as Hook's practically spitting in poor Mr. Smee's face. At least he's distracted enough that I can probably jump ship and high-tail it to shore - no pun intended. I back up until my legs feel the side of the ship, all the while keeping my eyes fixed on the two men. My ears, however, are fixed on listening to the others around me. There are about thirty pirates aboard this stupid ship and most of them are bellow deck eating their lunch.  

I'm just about to step up onto the ledge when a door slams open. I glance over to find about ten men staring at me with hungry eyes. I hold my breath as we just watch each other for a moment, listening to the Captain and Mr. Smee fighting. 

Just when I tense my leg to push me up someone yells, "Grab her!" 

I turn and start to lift myself up with my arms, no longer worried about being seen. Doesn't matter anyways. A pair of large hands grip my waist and drag me backward, throwing me onto the ground. I look up to see a tall, muscular man covered in tattoos giving me an ugly grin - he's missing a few teeth and the others look like they want to make a run for it as well.  

As he comes at me again, I kick my legs up and hit him right in the eye. He grips his face and staggers back. I take a second to reach up and touch the spot on my head that nailed the ground before quickly springing to my feet. I look at my hand a see a little blood. Just a drop, not enough to do any real damage - but enough to make me angry. And angry can be a good and bad thing. God because it makes me hyper-aware. Bad because I can make stupid, rash decisions when it happens.  

I need to be careful. 

"Whah-hoo!" a childlike voice yells, zooming between us.  

Startled, I jump back as a band of children start zooming amongst us. "What the...?"


Hey! So, yay, I've been waiting for this to come up. I knew she'd be kidnapped by Hook a long time ago - before I even wrote the first chapter to be honest - but I did not know what he was taking her for...originally I'd planned for the Evil Queen to put the curse on Skye and when that didn't happen I thought this would not be in here. But I'm pleasantly surprised about what's happened so far and I hope you all enjoy it as well.

Thankfully, my brain has come down quite a bit from my Doctor Who high. Seriously, my dad looked at me like I had become Cerberus (3-headed dog from Hercules & Greek mythology) over night. I'd laughed in his face and continued mumbling to myself about the next chapter and who knows what :) Oh, happy memories!!!!

Anyway vote and comment on what you think;)

Always yours,


PS. Jason Isaacs is Captain hook

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