I Won't Tell A Soul

304 13 21

Lachlan's POV

I finally made it to Florida again. It had been a while since I was here last and I was curious to see how my friends had been doing IRL. Though knowing them they would already have something set up to prank me.


I heard the boy call out to me but I couldn't see him at first. It wasn't until I saw him just in time to put my arms around him. Catching him off guard.

Jerome: "Fuck man I thought I was supposed to scare you."

Lachlan: "Never try to scare a gay man from behind."

Jerome: "Ah no gross get off me."

Lachlan: "I'm kidding man. Anyway how's your girlfriend going? Uh Jess was it?"

Jerome: "Yeah I'm glad you remembered. She is doing really well actually. Opted to stay home and make you some food for when you come home. She said she didn't want your first meal back here to be fast food. Wanted to make a home cooked meal for you which I thought was pretty nice. Plus it freed up room for your bags."

Lachlan: "Aw so it was only you then?"

Jerome: "Yeah just me. You know Mitch would never be able to come."

Lachlan: "What do you mean he would never come?"

I watched him with a curious look on my face. He must have felt the question looming. As if he wasn't supposed to say that."

Jerome: "Fuck."

Lachlan: "No no no you have to tell me now come on Jerome give me the benefit of the doubt here, I'm pretty freaking confused right now as to what just happened."

Jerome: "It's nothing Lachy don't worry about it ok?"

Lachlan: "Well when it involves my best friend I would like to think that I get to worry about him."

Jerome: "Lachlan we all know about your obsession with Mitch."

It wasn't an obsession. I mean yeah I'm fucking head over heels in love with this guy but still. There is a difference between obsession and love.

Jerome: "I'm sorry Lachlan I shouldn't have said anything. Look we will be home soon and you can cuddle with him and be yourself all you want."

They all know I love to cuddle. I'll cuddle up to anyone. I'll even just be at home watching something on Netflix and I'll just start cuddling up to my brothers or my sister. Even mum and dad. It's weird to some people but my family and friends are use to me always wanting to be hugging someone or have someone hugging me. I just feel comfortable and safe when someone is around me. It makes me happy.

Jerome: "Let's head home man. Car is this way."

Time Skip

As we finally arrived home and I hopped out of the car. I could smell Jess's cooking from a mile away. When they came over to Sydney not long ago it was incredible seeing them. And after Jess went out and got some fresh produce. She made the most incredible dinner I feel like I had ever had. So I knew it would be good. I also liked how even though these guys liked to live healthy and eat healthy foods. She wasn't afraid to cook up a chicken or fish for me. Which I thought was really cool and respectful. I remember when she seasoned some chicken in Cajun powder and just. I didn't even really care I was too busy holding the towel over my fucking watering mouth.

Jess: "Welcome home Lachy."

I was too busy off in my own world thinking about food, that I didn't even realise she was hugging me. I guess being gay does have its advantages. Meaning woman aren't afraid to just full on hug you. I put my arms around her in response, holding onto her a little tight. Enough to know I missed her.

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