The Chao Garden

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I just keep on running. It seems to be the only thing that keeps me happy when everything else can not. As I continue to run at the speed of sound I look around my surroundings. I take in every detail, like how the trees around me are filled with apples, the red skin shinning in the light of day. How the grass I run on sways with my movements. By the time I reach my destination I start to slow down to a jog as I take in my surroundings.

As I walk on the soft green grass, my eyes linger on the beautiful lake. The little chaos that are eating fruit off the trees that surround this area, or if they are playing with other chaos do make this place a magical place to be in. When ever I had something on my mind this is the place I come to. This is my place and no one is ever going to find out about it.

"Chao chao." a blue and yellow Chao had acknowledged me. All the little creatures turn to face me, hearts replacing the question marks on top of their heads as they see that it is me.

"Hello guys. How have you been?" I ask.

"Chao" they all say as they slowing come myself in then in heart warming hugs.

Al the weight resulting in me falling flat on my back, as their bodies continue to cover me.

"I missed you guys to." I was now sitting up right, holding some of the Chaos in my hands, while the others that lost interest in me went back to what they were doing before I came.

This is my place. I love the Chaos here they are always so gentle and loving to me. I will never tell people of this place because people would want to tell the people who say they will protect the Chaos, but in reality they will put cameras all around this Chao Garden or they will put them in cages, and I will not do that to these guys. I love the Chaos also because I can tell them what I feel like and what I am thinking and they don't judge me.

I sit in the Chao Garden for hours. Letting them snuggle up to my sides or holding them, just talking. I just pour my heart to these little creature, telling them about Eggman and about all my friends, including Shadow. I hate to leave these little guys but I have to get back to the workshop. As I hop up all the Chaos move away from me.

"Bye, I'll see you later." I wave the goodbye.

I then make my way out of the garden. Once out I then use the speed I am known for to reach my home in a matter of minutes When I walk in I see that Tails is out of the workshop and talking to his girlfriend Cream.

"Oh hello Sonic. How was your day?" asked the bunny.

"It was fine Cream, how was yours?"

"It was wonderful." she then turned back to the blue eyed fox and continued with the conversation they were having before I got there. They look so cute together. Tails hates it when I say that, I would offten tease them both about it being the youngest couple in the group at my brother being 16 and Cream 14. But today I'm just not in the mood.

Seeing a young couple is such a beautiful thing to see. Young love I think that's what people call it. I think while I walk to my room. I open the door to see it the way I left it, bed made with my diary on the pillow, this morning. I walk over to my bed and just flop down onto it, forgetting about my shoes and gloves for the time being. I close my eyes, letting my mind pull me into the welcoming arms of sleep.

My last thought being of the onyx hedgehog.

^^^^^^^^^^ The Chao Garden ^^^^^^^^^^

Don't forget to review I love to know what you think of the story. I know that there will be gramma issues, but 'ay I'm not the best writer. Well bye for now, I will try to update in two three days time.

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