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Knowing that all your life you've been lied to is heartbreaking, devastating, and life changing. The night Elena knocked on my room I thought she wanted to say goodnight like what we do everyday. But when I opened the door and greeted a crying Elena, I knew something was definitely wrong.

It took her fifteen minutes to stop crying and take a deep breath. Then she looked up at me with a small smile and a regretting look in her eyes. She then started rambling about how she just found out about this thing and that I should not be angry at her. Having enough, I broke her mid-sentence and told her to get to the point.

"We're adopted."

Those were her exact words. At first, I thought it was April One so I checked my calendar and made sure it wasn't April Fools Day. Unfortunately, it was not April Fools Day and what she said was true.

Knowing that the parents that died in that bridge are not really my parents, breaks my heart. All those years I cried and cried about their loss when they didn't have the chance to tell me, us, the truth. Or, maybe they weren't deciding to.

Right in this moment, cuddled on my bed sheets at 12 AM, I don't know what to feel anymore. Anger or dissappointment. I'm angry that they didn't tell me the truth, diasspointed that they believed I couldn't take the truth.

And as much as I tried, I couldn't help myself to forgive them if they were alive. I also tried remembering a moment, a moment, that happened with my biological parents, but nothing clicked.

Just thinking about my biological parents makes me think, who are they? I'd do anything to find out and I'd search the world for them. And once I find them, I won't greet them with open arms, no I'll talk my heart out about how their action was so uncalled for.


The voice of my aunt called from the other side of the door as she knocked gently. "Go away." My voice was hoarse from all the crying. "I can explain, just please open the door." She said, pleadingly.


"Please, Mia I'm so sorry. I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't."

"Is that another one of your lies?" I yelled, sniffing as more tears fell down the side of my face. There was a moment of silence and I knew it was a lie. Maybe, my parents had bribed her to not telling us, and she went along with it.

"Mia, open the door."

I didn't answer, I couldn't bring myself to form words. It's like my throat clogged itself up and decided to have a summer vacation; it's not even summer. I cleared my throat and rolled out of the sheet. I pulled out my fifth thousand tissue paper and cleaned my nose.

WereCoyote | Damon Salvatore [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now