~ author's note ~

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Hi everyone,

Thanks for reading my story! A lot of OikawaxReader fanfics I've read so far are about Oikawa being all cutesy and lovey-dovey so being the sadist I am I decided to have a contrast to that ...

... which is why this fic is set straight after the time Seijoh lost to Karasuno in Spring High (sorry to those who haven't gotten that far in the manga/anime!)
I know it's taking me ages to set the intro right (how many chapters is it, 5?!) but I'm trying! I promise I'll come to the plot twists soon!

This is my second fanfic (the other one's called "Days in the Life of a Nekoma High Schooler" which is a much more lighthearted story, I promise!), so as you can see I'm pretty inexperienced, so please feel free to comment on this page for feedback!
Also, I've no idea how many of you like this story so far, so could you vote on this page ( or the chapters which you liked reading) to help me out? Thanks! Let's see, 3 votes in a week for a new chapter ASAP? I've roughly figured out the full plot, but it all depends on how you guys like the story so far! I'll keep on writing anyway even if it's unpopular (I like finishing things) so yeah! It might take a while but thanks for being tolerant and please wait for my next chapter!

Thanks and see you soon with (hopefully) another chapter!


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