Weekend Shopping

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Annalisa POV

The next morning I didn't wake until 9! And I didn't wanna get out of bed either. Yawning, I dragged myself out of the warm blankets and through the cold room. I was still in my dress from the day before and from all that dancing I was still sweaty. Ew. Thus I gathered my clothes, switched into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt ( a gift from Mizumi), and made my way down the dorm hallways.
"Morning, Annalisa!" A cheerful voice called after me.
I turned, finding Lily and Cedric making their was down the hall after me.
"Going in for a shower?" She asked.
"*yawn* Yeah," I yawned.
"That was very unladylike of you to fall asleep at a ball," the elf boy scolded.
I glared at him. "It wasn't intentional,"
He huffed passing me and ducking into the boy's washroom. I looked at Lily who shrugged. We made our way into the washroom chatting about the fact we were both in pain from the heels we'd worn.
"I shall never wear heels again," the dryad groaned.
"I will but not today," I snorted.
She went silent for a few seconds before saying something out of the blue.
"Sorry," she said.
"For what?" I was taken aback by the apology.
"For Cedric. He's really a nice person but... I dunno... he just seems to be over protective of me and hostile to you and your friends... and I don't see why..."
I finished wrapping a towel around me and patted her shoulder.
"The year is still young, Lil," I smiled, "he'll warm up to us,"
She nodded, her spirits lifted a little by my comment. We entered the bath and we're greeted by Clover and Clove.
"Morning, Annalisa! Morning, Girl we don't know!" Clover greeted happily.
"Morning," the calmer twin greeted,
"Finally awake?"
"You saw we were falling asleep at the ball?" I sighed, embarrassed.
They nodded laughing slightly. I lightly grinned before making my way to one of the showers followed by Lily.
"Last night was fun..." She muttered smiling gently.
"Yeah, it really was. I hope for Mabon they do another one,"
We entered separate stalls and turned on the water.
"'Mabon'?" She asked.
"The Autumn Equinox, the second harvest," I explained.
"Oh... what other holidays are there?"
I grabbed my loofah from its floating basket and my shower gel. Giving it a good lather I responded.
"After Mabon there's Samhain, then Yule, then Imbolc, then Ostara, then Beltane, then Lithia, finally back to Lammas or better known as Lughnasadh," I recited.
"Wow, eight holidays..." She muttered in awe.
"What holidays do Dryads have?"
She shrugged washing her hair.
"One," she responded, "it doesn't really have a name but it's when the Winter leaves and Spring begins,"
"So it's like Ostara? The Spring Equinox?"
She shrugged again. I looked at her oddly. She was normally a very talkative girl but I think back home is a sore spot. I dropped the subject and continued to clean myself up. We exited the showers and made our way back into the shower's lobby. We got dressed in silence until yelling broke the silence (I was silently thankful).
Pulling my shirt on I rushed out finding Michelangelo and another boy arguing. God knows what about so I just huffed and passed them.
"Ah! Annalisa!" Michelangelo threw himself at me only to run face first into the other boy's fist.
"Huh, thanks," I said looking at the blonde teen.
"No problem, I've been dying for a reason to do that anyway," he held out his hand, "Martin James, you?"
I took his hand and shook it. "Annalisa Arcana,"
He sighed looked at the unconscious brunette on the ground.
"I'll drag him to his room. See ya later, Annalisa,"
"See ya,"
Lily sighed from beside me.
"Never gonna get a break, huh?" She asked.
"Me or you?"
She snorted "Who's the one with guys throwing themselves at her,"
"Ah, shush up,"
She laughed lightly as we walked down the halls toward my room.
"I was gonna bug Ceddy but I'm pretty sure he'll just throw me out,"
I laughed.
"Glad to know I'm easier to bug,"
She stuck her tongue out playfully.
We walked into the room after I unlocked it and Lily looked around wide-eyed.
"Your room's huge!" She gasped twirling around.
Weren't all rooms the same size?
"My room is, like, half this size!" She flopped on my couch, "hell I don't even have room for a couch!"
"I wonder why mines bigger than your's,"
"Ceddy's the same. It depends on what you scored on the entrance exam. I didn't take it so my room's smaller," she sat up watching me wake up Cosmos, "What did you score on it?"
"...92? I think..."
"Jeez, you got higher than Ceddy. He got an 85," she sat up.
"Cedric possibly is better than me in Magic. I just answered with what sounded right,"
She stared at me wide-eyed.
"You... guessed?"
"Pretty much. Wanna get breakfast in the dining hall?"
"THIS IS NO TIME TO THINK ABOUT FOO-!" And thus her stomach growled. She blushed brightly causing me to laugh. "Ok, food first..."

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