Chapter 30

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Jackie's POV~

Screams echoed from outside. I smiled to myself and Jonathan caught me in the act. He smiled as well. My fingertips lightly brushed the silky hem of my shirt. I was waiting for Victor to unlock the door to my new bedroom. I will be staying here until I recover from labor. The soft click of a button was heard and the door opened. Victor turned to Jonathan and I.

"Welcome to your room," Victor smiled. He stepped to the side and I walked in. Jonathan set my things down by the icy colored bed. The walls were gray with a single white stripe. The furniture was white with chrome and crystal embellishments. It was elegant and beautiful.

"It's wonderful, Victor," I say turning to him. "Thank you so much for letting me stay here." Jonathan came behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"It means a lot, Victor. I'm sure she'll be safe in your hands," Jonathan said to him. Victor nodded sternly.

"Crow will be safe. I can assure you," he smiled. "I'll let you get settled and talk until Jonathan leaves." With that Victor left the room. Jonathan brushed my hair away from my neck and planted a soft kiss. I smiled.

"Sit on the bed and I'll unpack your things for you," Jonathan told me. I reluctantly let Jonathan unpack. It left me thinking about things. I was lost in my thoughts when he tried talking to me.


Out of zone. I blinked a few times.

"I'm sorry, yes?"

"I said not to worry about me. I'll just be with the others torturing Two Face. Pamela and Harleen will be staying here for the labor process with you. They leave when you leave. I'll be notified as soon as you go into labor. I'm going to be here every step of the way with you," Jonathan said reassuringly. He sat next to me and held my hand. Just for 3-4 days.. Who knows when I'll go into labor. I'm a grenade.

"I'M HERE!!" A Brooklyn accent announced. Harley.

"Sorry for being late. The Joker wouldn't let Harley leave at first," Pamela explained. The clicks of their heels went down the hall getting closer. Pamela's crimson red hair swooshed into my room. Her face and body was revealed once she stepped in. Harley followed closely behind.

"I have to go then. I love you so much, Crow," Jonathan said softly.

"I love you, too," I smiled. We embraced and gave each other a sweet kiss. Harley squeaked and clapped her hands together. Pamela smiled at me. Jonathan got up and bid his goodbyes and left.

"So the big day is nearly here," Pamela said with a smirk. Harley plopped down next to me.

"Yeah, I can't believe it. It's.. sort of nerve wrecking," I said with a nervous laugh.

"Don't worry about it, hun! We'll all be here with you to help you," Harley grinned. Pamela sat on the other side of me. I let out a quiet sigh. I'm content.

2 Days Later~~

My hands fumbled with the bed sheet. Harley laid sprawled on the floor, in her pajamas, playing a video game. Pamela must be in the kitchen with Victor. I carefully got up, holding my enlarged stomach. It has become a habit.

Show time, Jackie. My eyes widened. What do they mean? It didn't sound sinister. It didn't sound sarcastic. It sounded...


I let out a soft whimper. Harley jumped up off the floor. I looked at the floor hearing something.

Dripping. My breathing hitched.

"Crow, are you-" Harley stopped. She rushed to me and put one arm around me.


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