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14 years later

Clara's POV

"Ms Chambers?" the women behind the counter asked us but Mom looked confused

"Mom that's you" I poked her, reminding her. She had never got used to getting called that.

"Oh yes, yes Lorelai Chambers it should be under" she nodded.

"Go straight through to the changing rooms, there will be robes in your lockers" the women gave us keys and waved us off.

"I don't think ill get used to that" she moaned like she does every time someone calls her by surname.

"Well give it time?" I offered with a smile

"Clara, it’s been nearly six years being called 'Lorelai Chambers' I think I've had enough time" she sighed. I laughed at her forgetful memory. It had been nearly six years since she had to change from her surname to my dad’s so that it made things simpler when I moved to high school; she hadn’t let me change mine to hers because it still kept me with my Dad or something like that.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked around the posh changing rooms of the spa

"Fancy, huh?" Mom raised an eyebrow at the dark wood lockers with soft pure white robes hanging on them

"Well you know Granddad" I laughed

"Hmm yes” Mom pretended to think “the man who spoils his only granddaughter rotten!" She poked her tongue out at me

"Such a child" I muttered

"Oh sorry, I didn't realize you wanted me to be a Mom like Charlotte's! Would you like me to be more like her?" She smirked as my eyes widen

"No! No! No!" I groaned even at thought of Mom being like Charlotte's posh, stuck in the old days with nine pm curfews Mom.

"Well then child I shall be" she smiled at me as we slinked out of our clothes into bikinis and robes. I would never admit  to her that I loved the way my Mom acts, but she is amazing. Through everything that had happened to her she has always been there for me whether it was something as little as a small math’s problems to holding me while a cried. She will always smile and could make everything feel better.

"You must be Ms Chambers?" The women smiled at Mom as we walked into another small room with dimed lights, relaxing smells and calm music.

"Call me Lorelai" well at least she remembered that this person was talking to her this time! I snickered and Mom shot me a knowing look trying to hide back a smirk.

"And who’s this? Your..." She looked at me and then Mom

"Daughter" Mom finished off

"Oh, I'm sorry! Just you look nothing alike!" She smiled at us uncomfortably. I frowned at the women, I hated when people said stuff like this, and I knew it upset Mom even though she never said. We did look very unlike, me with my brown hair and green eyes with soft features and then Mom had blonde hair brown eyes with more defined features, I guess the only thing we both have in common is are hair lengths that trail down to our butts.

"She is more like her Dad" Mom said bluntly

"Yes... Well take a place on the table. Another of the girls will be along soon" she gestured to the table.

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