Chapter four

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Alex Pettyfer as Liam Anderson ^^

Follow on Instagram : sneha_rah19

I am so freaking happy. This book got more that 1k reads in only two days, it's a first for me and I swear I could have got a heart attack. Just kidding I'm still alive ^^

Thank you so much for reading guys and I'm so glad that I got so many amazing comments on the chapters till now. So, let's just say, I couldn't wait to update for you all. And thanks to all those who supported me.

Hope you are loving it.

Happy reading.


"Shel", I heard my mom calling me.

"Yes mom", I replied and walked ahead to see her holding Ash in her arms. I smiled at the little girl and held my hands towards her to see if she would like to let me hold her. She smiled and threw herself in my arms with a slight giggle escaping her mouth. I chuckled and ran my fingers through her hair.

"Come on", Mrs Jackson said and gestured for us to sit down. I took a seat beside my mom and set Ash on my lap but she jumped down and ran upstairs.

"Careful on the stairs, Ash", Mrs Jackson hollered after her and watched her go up.

"What would you like to drink? Coffee, tea, juice or a soft drink?", Mrs Jackson asked and started to get up to get us something.

"Water will be alright, Cindy", mom answered and smiled at her. Dad nodded when Mrs Jackson glanced at him to see if he wanted something else.

When she looked at me, I smiled and nodded too.

"Let me help you, Mrs Jackson", I got up and smiled at her. She smiled back and started to walk towards the connected kitchen. I followed her and took the chance to look around the house. Even through they only came yesterday, Mrs Jackson decorated the living room pretty well.

She handed me three glasses and opened the fridge to take a bottle of water. I set the glasses on the table and she filled them with water.

"So, how old are you?", she asked and arranged the filled up glasses on a red tray.

"I'm 17, Mrs Jackson", I answered politely and watched as she took a packet of chocolate cookies and arranged some on a white plate. She placed the plate in the tray.

"Oh, don't call me that, I feel so old, call me Cindy", she replied and lifted the tray. I chuckled and followed her back in the living room.

She placed the tray on the middle table and handed my parents each a glass and handed one to me.

"So, do you like it here?", mom asked Cindy and took a sip of her water.

"I like it so far, it's calm. We were living down the other side of this place and it was a problem for Max to get to school on time everyday, so we thought of moving here, a bit near Max's school.", she answered.

Late my foot. He was never late for school. He liked to come late in classes. He was always hanging out with his friends before his classes and then he would take his time to get to his classes.

I remember once, he was kissing Sandy, the queen bee and also the head of the cheerleaders, near the lockers without caring that Mr Hemsworth, our biology teacher was glaring at him, his face red with anger. He was taking his time to get in Mr Hemsworth's morning class. He even got detention for a week that day.

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