3. Training

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I put my hair up into a bun with a yellow hair-tie while looking into the mirror. 

"Ok everyone, gather up." Says our training coach. Adam and I walk up with the other group of people to the tall man. "Hi, I am your training coach, Captain Hook. But you all may call me Coach Hook." Says the man with long, curly black hair and a mustache. 

"We have plenty of stations for whatever you like, plant life, hand-to-hand combat, shelter, fire building, and more. We have someone set up at each station to help you if you need it, so go have fun and later we will have group training." He says giving a grin that gives off a feeling of evil. 

"Everyone may head off but first I need to see Adam, Elsa, Jack, Ariel, and Rapunzel." He says and everyone starts walking away but I follow Adam. He places a black bracelet on each of them, tightly. "This is to make sure you don't get an unfair advantage in the games with your powers." Coach Hook says placing the last one on Ariel. 

"When all my hair was cut off, I lost my power to heal..." Rapunzel says then Ariel adds, "And I can't shift into a mermaid anymore. Why do we have to wear these?" "We know you have had powers in the past, so these are going on everyone with a trace of power incase they come back or anything else. Now please, train." Coach says and we head off.

 Adam kisses my cheek and starts walking off to the hand-to-hand combat station. 

Since I have such great memory, I head to the plant station. 

I spend the next half hour memorizing what plants are safe to eat and what aren't. It was actually pretty fun to learn all these new things and plants are interesting. When I get back in town I should pick up some books about them... If I make it back to town. 

I feel someone tap my shoulder and turn around to see a blonde girl and a red headed one. 

"Hi, I'm Ariel and this is Cindy." "Um, Cinderella. I hate that nickname." The blonde spits out. "Sorry..." Ariel mumbles. "I'm Belle." I say and give a smile. 

"Well, it's nice to meet you. Prince?" Ariel asks. "Um, Adam. Him over there." I say pointing to the beautiful man I get to call mine. "Oh, thats mine over there, Eric. And over there is Charming, Cindy's-" Cinderella lets out a low growl after hearing the nickname. 

"I mean Cinderella. Over there is Cinderella's man." Ariel says. "Cool, well um. Is there something I can do for y'all?" I ask. 

I start walking towards the shelter building station and the two girls follow. 

"Yeah, lets just cut to the chase." Cinderella says. 

There are supplies set out and we are expose to try and figure out how to make a shelter and someone will review it. I start next to a tree and start setting up sticks, connecting them with rope that I hope I could get from a backpack. "Keep going..." I say as I start tying a knot. "Well, me and Eric, and, Cinderella and Charming, were wanting to form an alliance," Ariel starts but Cinderella cuts in. "And if we had your hubba-hubba, we will survive," Cinderella says. "At least a chance to survive the bloodbath." Ariel says. "Oh, and don't feel left out. You are smart, I'm sure we could use your intelligence." Ariel adds. 

If I do accept their offer, Adam and I could win. Or at least, one of us. "Can I just have some time to think about it? To talk it over with Adam?" I ask while I start spreading leaves over the top and Ariel use ropes to keep them up. "Totally." Ariel says. 

We finish the hut together with actually, pretty good team work. Maybe this could work... 

Someone comes over and checks our little hut. They approve it except we need to improve our knots which I take seriously with Ariel but Cinderella doesn't care, she thinks typing a knot is just like tying a shoelace. 

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Sep 27, 2016 ⏰

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