Chapter Forty Four

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Elena stood on the beach, fingering the neck guard recently bestowed up on her in a ceremony by Prince Liran. As Field Marshal, it was then her duty in turn to give out badges of rank to each of the many soldiers she felt were capable of some level of command. It had been a somber moment.

The sun had set long ago. She removed her boots and handed them to one of her aides. The sand was damp between her toes. On this sort of surface, footwear was a liability.

The area was lit by torches planted into the soft ground every few steps, creating a ring of fire forming a makeshift circle. The water flowed up on shore and back into its dark body. The cliffs above and the long expanse of beach were filled with the men and women of Castillon, both the soldiers and the civilians, Hilliri and Trillas, awaiting the promised spectacle. Word had travelled fast that it would be a demonstration worth seeing. Elena tried not to think about how many would be watching her and what would happen if she faltered. She couldn't afford to, not if she wanted to lead effectively.

Breathe, she reminded herself, breathe as Ergin showed you.

The fluttering in her stomach settled as she drew in deep breaths of the cool night air. She tossed her head to keep the wisps that had come loose from her top knot away from her face. The breeze was light, thankfully, for the colder weather was approaching soon. Another reason why she was anxious to march. Winter campaigns were terrible, and they would be marching north, into a colder climate.

Liran hadn't arrived yet, which left her too much time to think. He had excused himself after the assignment of the ranks, leaving her to make a number of announcements. Tomorrow they expected the force to arrive from Kalad, bringing their army to a more respectable size. After that, they would finally be on the move.

Elena smiled. Field Marshal had a nice sound to it. Liran had saved a wide smile for her after he had handed her the baton of office and placed a gorget around her neck. It was bronze plated with gold, and enscribed with the coat of arms of the House of Calimero. A nice touch. She had heard that her father had worn such an emblem when he signed the final treaty that brought the Empire into being.

She noticed that he had also prepared a silver sash for himself, signifying his role as chief among the Marulan.

Liran finally appeared in the distance by the Fortress portcullis, walking toward the circle. He looked taller and leaner than ever, alone on the distant section of beach. He took his time as he walked, growing from a thin vertical line rising out of the sand to a solid figure, bobbing slightly as he stepped. Finally he arrived at the circle's outer edge. An aide took his jacket, leaving him wearing only a thin shirt, and he removed his boots.

He stepped into the circle and waited.

The arbiter of the forms was positioned with his back facing the sea. In a circle, there was no front or back, but here, with the audience on the back side of the beach and all above on the cliffs, he was alone on his side.

When she felt sufficiently calm and focused, Elena too stepped into the ring and faced her opponent. She bowed first to the arbiter, then to Liran, acknowledging his senior level. She remained facing him.

The arbiter raised his hands in the air until the crowd settled and their talk subsided. He lowered them and straightened himself to his full stature.

"Elena Valeria, you are acknowledged as Denar-amir, Master of the Third Level and former student of Grand Master Benar of Kalad. Do you accept the challenge of Liran Calimero, Katar-amir, Master of the Fifth Level and former student of Grand Master Yoran?"

Elena nodded.

"The goal of this challenge is to test your worthiness for graduation to the next level of mastery. You must demonstrate every mark of mastery of the forms including the use of maru both in offence and defence. Are you prepared and ready for this challenge?"

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