Day Before(57)

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Groaning I sit up stretching my back looking around the semi dark guest room

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Groaning I sit up stretching my back looking around the semi dark guest room. I don't even have any logical reason to be upset...I did this to myself. Maybe I should stop drinking all together. Nothing good comes from it.

"Daddy come eat!" I hear Mona yell.

With a groan I get out of bed slumping down to the kitchen. Camila sat eating a bagel and feeding Maurice at the same time. "Morning girls." I kiss both their heads. "Morning cam."

"Your food is in the oven. I have to get my hair done and get last minute things before I leave so can you handle Maurice I'll take the girls to their stop."

"Yeah. When do you leave?" I take my plate with a biscuit egg cheese and bacon sandwich with cheese grits.

"Tomorrow morning Atlanta is the first show." She put her things in the sink telling the girls to get their stuff.

"Ok....can I take you and the kids out tonight?"

Smiling she nods coming over kissing me. Before she could walk away I held her face deepening the kiss. Pulling away our heads connect. "I forgave you Chris."

"I haven't forgiven myself yet. I do love you more than anything and will do any and everything to get your trust back." My thumbs softly brush her face.

"Thank you. I'll see you tonight."

"Bye daddy!" The girls run out the the door after her.

Going back to the kitchen I see Maurice head bobbing. He was still trynna eat his Cheerios tho. "You sleepy man. Come on let's get you ready for grandma house."

I wash him up put a new diaper and clothes on him then take care of myself. I'm defiantly gonna talk with my mom about me and Cam maybe she can help me think of something to do for her.
"Chris.....I don't know what to say right now." She shook her head at me playing with Maurice. "What got into you?"

"Beer. I took my problems and just exploded on her...I can't even tell you how bad I feel. She gave the ring back." My head hung low.

"She broke up with you!?" She yelled making Maurice jump mugging her hard. "Aw I'm sorry sweet pea."

"No she just said she wasn't my fiancé anymore and I need to basically win her over again. I don't even know where to start."

"For one you can stay away for Janiya. I'm glad she stepped up and told while you were out hiding. Maybe in a while you can ask for her hand again."

"Yeah that's the plan and I wanna do something big for her....she deserves it."

"Good. You just got some mommy points back." She leaned over kissing my cheek. "On a brighter note this little munchie first birthday is coming up very soon. Yes your such a big boy now looking just like your daddy."

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