Chapter 8- The Battle For Helm's Deep

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Chapter 8- The Battle for Helm's Deep

As the night grew longer and darker, the men grew impatient. We had all assembled along the parapets, awaiting our fates. We were tired, anxious and a bit weary... Never had I participated in a battle this extended. Legolas and I were stationed with the archers, and Gimli had decided to tag along with us. Haldir stood on my right whereas Legolas was on my left.

My idiot of a brother was somewhere off down the lines and out of my sight. He never did rest, and it was obvious that his energy was burning out. "After this is all over," I said blasé. "Aragorn will rest, or I will force him too."

"Somehow, I do not doubt that you would forcibly make your brother respite," he chuckled.

My eyes drifted over to Gimli who was jumping up and down like a child, trying desperately to peer over the edge of the walls. "Well you could have picked a better spot!" he huffed in exasperation.

I chuckled and Legolas smiled softly.

"How are you fairing?" my brother asked, coming up from behind and nearly killing me with fright.

"As well as can be expected," I grimaced.

"Well, lad, whatever luck you live by, let's hope it lasts through the night," Gimli muttered, nonchalant.

Thunder rumbled across the valley and lightning flashed, illuminating the sky. A shiver ran down my spine, "It's going to rain? On top of the ten-thousand Uruk-Hai on their way to kill us?" I grumbled.

"You can still go into the caves with the women and children," Legolas smirked.

"What?" I looked at him wide-eyed. "And miss all the fun?"

In response, he smiled, planting a kiss to my temple. "There's my fierce worrier princess."

I smiled up at him. "Don't leave my side. Understand?"


I turned to face Haldir with a sincere smile. "I ran into your sister, Brendawyn."

"Is she safe?" he asked concerned.

"Yes," I answered, honestly. "She saved my life when I was captured and wounded by the Uruk-Hai. She rides with the Éomer and the Riders of Rohan; she is incredible, my lord."

He smiled. "I look forward to seeing her."

Legolas looked over at my brother, as the lightning lit up the valley once more. Torches off in the distance revealed thousands of enemies marching to meet us. "Your friends are with you, Aragorn," he stated.

"And your sister." I chimed in.

"Let's hope we last through the night," Gimli huffed.

"I'll see you on the other side." Aragorn smiled and clasped our shoulders before disappearing into the ranks.

I shifted nervously as Saruman's armies inched closer and closer. With a crack of lightning, the rain came pelting down and soaking us the bone in the cold, dark air. "It can't get much worse than this," I grumbled.

"It can always get worse, lass," Gimli noted to my disdain.

"Point taken."

The sound of the rain pelting off armor and the oncoming footfalls of the enemy didn't help the situation.  Already I could see why so many had said that our fight was all in vain. We were hopelessly outnumbered. The torches lining the ramparts flickered angrily under the rainfall, dimming and casting eerie shadows along the bulwarks.

"If I am to die," I met Legolas' eyes. "I would die at your side."

In response, Legolas kissed me. It wasn't heated and passionate: it was soft and quick. "I do not think that will be your fate, Lothrayel Brenawyn Andasfath."

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